CHART gives Sykes descent


KENNETH:1 shows marriage certificate of Kenneth Sykes and Jean Coates - gives Kenneths age (and hence birth date) and father's name (Harry)
certificates can be obtained from a GRO

KENNETH:2 gives possible birth entries for Kenneth Sykes - this has mother's maiden name for each
taken from FreeBMD website

HARRY:1 gives possible marriage entries for Harry Sykes - looking for wife's maiden name matching that for Kenneth's mother
taken from FreeBMD website

HARRY:2 gives possible siblings of Kenneth
taken from FreeBMD website

HARRY:3 gives 1911 census entry for Harry Sykes and family - gives his age
taken from FindMyPast website - each entry cost about 6 of their tokens - 60 tokens can be bought for £6.95

HARRY:4 gives 1901 census entry for Harry Sykes, his widowed mother and her family - gives his age
Harry Sykes' involvement with newspapers in 1946 and 1901 was a useful clue
taken from FindMyPast website

BILLY:1 gives 1891 census entry for Harry Sykes, father Billy and his family - gives ages
taken from FindMyPast website

BILLY:2 gives 1881 census entry for Billy Sykes and his family - gives ages
taken from FindMyPast website

BILLY:3 gives death entry for Billy Sykes - gives age
taken from FreeBMD website

BILLY:4 gives death entry for Mary Ann widow of Billy Sykes - gives age
taken from FreeBMD website

BILLY:5 gives probable marriage entry for Billy Sykes
taken from FreeBMD website

BILLY:6 gives alternative, less probable, marriage entry for Billy Sykes
taken from FreeBMD website

BILLY:7 gives birth entry for Billy Sykes
taken from FreeBMD website

BILLY:8 and JOE:1 1871 gives census entry for Joe Sykes and his family including Billy - gives ages
mechanic occupation for Billy in 1871 and 1881 was a useful clue
taken from FindMyPast website

JOE:2 gives 1861 census entry for Joe Sykes and his family - gives ages
taken from FindMyPast website

JOE:3 gives alternative, improbabable, 1861 census entry for Joe Sykes and his family - gives ages
as no child Billy and living near probable father William this makes JOE:3 unlikely entry for Joe Sykes and makes JOE:2 likely
taken from FindMyPast website

JOE:4 gives 1851 census entry for Joe Sykes and his family - gives ages
taken from FindMyPast website

JOE:5 gives alternative, improbabable, 1851 census entry for Joe Sykes and his family - gives ages
made improbable by JOE:3 and so JOE:4 likely
taken from FindMyPast website

JOE:6 gives possible marriage entries for Joe Sykes
taken from FreeBMD website

BILLY:9 gives 1841 census entry for Billy Sykes the elder and his family including Joe - ages unreliable in 1841 census
taken from FindMyPast website

BILLY:10 gives 1799 baptismal entry for Billy Sykes from a copy of Almondbury registers held at the Society of Genealogists

JAMES:1 gives 1775 marriage entry for James Sykes (clothier of Townend and Almondbury Bank) and Hannah Heaton from a copy of Almondbury register held at the Society of Genealogists - they probably had children James baptised 1775 buried 1775, John baptised 1776, Joseph baptised 1777, Mary baptised 1779 buried 1782, Hannah baptised 1781, child buried 1783, Sarah baptised 1784, William baptised 1786 buried 1796, James baptised 1788, Jonathan baptised 1790, Mary baptised 1792 buried 1794, Benjamin baptised 1794, Elizabeth baptised 1797, and Billy baptised 1799

JAMES:2 gives 1789 burial entry for James Sykes aged 66 senior of Almondbury Bank from a copy of Almondsbury registers held at the Society of Genealogists - as James Sykes clothier of Almondbury Bank he probably had children Mary baptised 1750, James baptised 1751, William baptised 1753, Joseph baptised 1755, Martha baptised 1757, John baptised 1760, Sarah baptised 1762, Elizabeth baptised 1764, Jonathan baptised 1767,