DANYELLs in Church Records
- 1530 Thomas Daniell - Thome Daniell armig~i fenescalli ac balli de Magna Cornard de manio ib~m p annu~ - liii s iiii d - with Thomas Foule, Thomas Dan, Stephen Astyn, John Seriche and Thomas Wyat - Magna Cornard, Counties of Suffolk and Essex - property of monasteriu' de Mallyng in com' Kanc' et in decantu de Malling - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 I/107.
- 1530 Henry Danyell - porat b'te Marie Magdalene de Byport Henricus Danyell por ib'm - reddus terr' and ten~toz tm liboz tenenciu qm custumarioz dc~i prioratus p annu~ vi£ - inde in res' redd' ibm p annu - places also mentioned Bettyscomb, Bemyster, Whytechurch, Corton, Wetherstone, etc - property of decanat' de Byrport - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 I/232.
- 1530 Henry Danyell - vicario de Whitewell Henrico Danyell vicario ib'm - valet p annu~ md' qd~ dic~t' vicar' assessat' p com~issionar' in com' Suff' ubi dc~us Henr' Daniell manet put pz in libro eozd' com~iss' in decanat' de Claidon ad - vii £ x11 s iiii d - places also mentioned Twyfford, Thyrnynge, Woddallynge, Bekke, Salle - property of decanatus de Sparham - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 3/361b.
- 1530 John Danyell - Johi Danyell p terr, ibm p annu - with others xiii s vii d - places also mentioned Norfolk, Walsoken - property of monastr'iu' sive prioratus de marmound - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 3/380a.
- 1530 Thomas Danyell - Bulmere - valet in firm' rec~tor' ibm infra archidiaconat' Meddelsex' London' dios' dimiss' Thome Danyell p indentur' ad tm' .. annoz ut in eisdm pz - vi £ - places also mentioned Sutton Brusyerd Badburgham - property of decanatus Orfford - brusyerd monast'iu' b'te marie ib'm moniales ordinis s'te clare - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 3/443b.
- 1530 James Danyell - Jacobo Danyell - iii s ii d - in big list terr tempal' in com' suff' onus Gippiswic' cu' membr' - property of decanatus Gippiswic' - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 3/448a.
- 1530 William Knightley - Will'i Knyghtley attorat' huj' monast'ii p' annu' - xiii s iiii d - property of decanatus Rockelond - monasteriu' sive priorat' canonicor' de Bokenham - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 3/317b.
- 1530 William Danyell - Burton - dn~s Wills Danyell cantarist' ibm - iii £ x s - property of decanatus de Lawres diocesse of Lincoln - places also mentioned Scampton Gretewell Netylham Faldingworth - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 4/129b.
- 1530 Walter Danyell - Eton - et in feod' Galfridi Danyell senescalli manii de Bledlowe p annu - xiii s iiii d - et in feod' Galfridi Danyell rec' redd' de Le Crane in Vinitria London' p annu - xiii s iiii d - et in feod' Galfridi Danyell auditoris terr' and possessionu pdict' p annu - lxvi s viii d - property of collegium de Eton in com' Buck' - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 4/129b.
- 1530 William Danyell - Will'm's Danyell vicarus eccl'ie d' Chessame Leysteter que val' coibz ann' - xiii £ vi s viii d - property of prioratus sive domus b'te marie magdalene de ankerwyk - places also mentioned Beconsfeld, Chalfounte - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 4/224b.
- 1530 Christopher Danyell - Myddleclaydon - Cristoferus Danyell rector eccl'ie d' que val' ad firmam p annu - xv £ x s vii d - property of Waddesdon Decanatus - places also mentioned Elmer, Grendon Underwood, Aston Sandford - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 4/236b.
- 1530 Matthew Knyghtley - Cosyngton - Matheus Knyghtley rector ibidem valet in p'ficius pven' de rec~tor' ibm tam in xmis majoribz unacu~ exit' mansion' cum terr' gleb' co~ibz annis - xvii £ xvii s iiii d - property of p'ceptor' de Dalby Rotheley and Heyther - places also mentioned Humberston, Syston, Howby, Reresby - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 4/166a.
- 1530 Edmund Knyghtley - Johes Longvill milit' and Edmu~ndo Knyghtley solut' ut in p~c' uni' libr' pipis annuatim - ii s - property of Preston Decanatus - places also mentioned Elmer, Grendon Underwood, Aston Sandford - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 4/328b.
- 1530 John Knyghtley - Byffeild rect' - Joh'es Knyghtley rector ib'm valet in decim' and oblac~onibz co~ibz ann' ibm - xxviii £ xv s vii d - property of Brakley Decanatus - places also mentioned Aston in the Walle, Patishull, Marston Lawrence - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 4/335a.
- 1530 John Knyghtley - Stokbruern in Decanatus of Preston rect' - id'm Joh'es Knyghtley rector ib'm valet in decim' and oblac~onibz co~ibz ann' ibm - xxxi £ x s vii d - property of Brakley Decanatus - places also mentioned Aston in the Walle, Patishull, Marston Lawrence - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 4/335a.
- 1530 Edmund Knyghtley - Edmu~ndo Knyghtley capitalk' fen' domus priorat' pdci p annu - xl s - property of Brakley Decanatus Asheby Canonic' Priorat - index says capit' senescall' prioratus de Assheby Canon' - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 4/337b.
- 1530 widow Danyell - uxe Danyell - cantaria s'te trinitat' in capella de Gateshede - property of Decanatus Eccl'ie Derlington - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 5/322b.
- 1530 Richard Danyell - Ebor cantaria s'te catarine virgin' infra dict' eccli'am de Hatfeld - d'n's Ricus Danyell capnus cantarista ib'm cantaria p'd' valet in - iiii £ 0 s iiii d - property of Rotherham Collegiu' d'ni j'hu - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 5/48b.
- 1530 John Danyell - Johis Danyell - vii s v d - property of Ebor hospit'le s'c'i Leonard' - see Valor Eccesiasticus Tempore Henry 8 5/17b.