DANYELLs in the Rolls of Parliament


PARLIAMENT:1 - 1406 14/5 ? Danyell - Remoevement des Aliens Bretons, and Franceois .... les nouns des ditz Aliens pur estre voidez hors du Roialme d'Engleterre cy enfuent .... Danyell - Rolls of Parliament Henry-4/III/572a.

PARLIAMENT:2 - 1406 14/5 John Knightley - Pour les Co'es (Communes?) du Counte de Cestre (Chester?) .... ne al Counte tenuz le Marsdye proschien apres le fest de la Nativite notre Dame, mesme l'an: lesqueles trois Countes furent generalment ajournez p commune ajournement p les Juggeours avaunt ditz, en presence John Knyghtley adonqes le Justice Lieutenaunt illoeqes, a cause q les gentz du dit Conte fount commaundez p lour Sr le Prince, adonqes Count de Cestre, d'aler ovesq luy en Gales; .... - Rolls of Parliament Henry-4/III/617a.

PARLIAMENT:3 - 1450 Thomas Danyell - Act of Resumption - Prayen the Commons in this youre present Parlement assembled to considre, that where youre Chauncellor of youre Reaume of Englonde, youre Treasorer of Englonde, and many other Lordes of youre Counseill, by youre high commaundement, to your seid Communes atte youre Parlement holden last atte Westm' shewed and declared th'estate of this youre Reaume; which was, that ye were endetted in CCCLXXII M. li which is grete and grevouse, and that youre lyvelode in yerly value was V M. li. And forasmuch as this V M. li to youre high and notable estate to be kepte, and to paie youre said dettes woll noght suffre it, therfore that youre high estate might be releved. And furthermore it was declared, that youre expences necessaries to youre Housholde, withouten all other ordinarie charges, come to XXIIII M. li yerely, the which excedeth every yere in expences necessarie over your lyvelode XIX M. li. Also please it your Highnesse to considre, that the Communes of youre said Reaume been aswell willed to theire pore power, to the relevyng of youre Highnesse, os ever were peple to ony King of youre Progenitours that ever reigned in youre said Reaulme of Englond; but youre said Communes been so empoveryshed, what by takyng of vitaile to youre Houshold, and other thinges in youre said Reaume, and noght paied fore; and the Quinszisme by youre said Communes afore this tyme so often graunted, and by the graunt of Tonnage and Poundage, and by the graunt of the Subsidie uppon the Wolles, and by other grauntes to youre Highnesse; and for lakke of execution of Justice, that youre pore Communes been full nygh distroied: And if it shulde continue lenger in such grete charge, it cowde noght in ony wyse be hadde nor borne. - Wherfore please it youre Highnesse the premisses graciously to considre, and that ye, by the advyce and assent of youre Lordes Spirituels and Temporels, and by auc~torite of this youre present Parlement, for the conservation of youre High astate, and in comfort and ease of your pore Communes, wold take, resume, seise and reteine in youre handes and possession, all Honoures, Castelles, Lordshippes, Townes, Towneshipps, Maners, Londes, Tenementes, Wastes, Rentes, Reversions, Fees, Feefermes and Services, with all theire appurtenaunces, in Englonde, Wales, and in the Marches thereof, the which ye hafe graunted by youre Letters Patentes or otherwyse, sythe the first day of youre reigne; and all Honoures, Castelles, Lordshippes, Townes, Towneshipps, Maners, Londes, Tenementes, Wastes, Rentes, Reversions, Fees, Feefermes and Services, with all theire appurtenaunces, which were of the Duchie of Lancastr', and passed from you by youre graunte or grauntes; and ye to have, holde and receive all the premises in and of like astate, os ye hadde theim atte the tyme of suche grauntes made by you of theim. And that all Letters Patentes or Grauntes, by you, or by other persone or persones atte youre request or desire, made to ony persone or persones of the premisses, or ony of theim in that that is of ony of the premisses, be voide and of noo force. And over that, yat all maner of grauntes of Rentes, charges or annuitees, made by you of estate of inheritaunce, for terme of lyffe or terme of yeres, to ony persone or persones, to be taken of ony of yeese premisses, or of youre Custumes or Subsidies, or awnage, or of youre Hamper, or atte or in youre Resceite, or in otherwise, or in ony other place or ony of theim, or of the profites commyng of theim or ony of theim, withinne this youre Reaume, Irlonde, Wales, Guysnes, Caleys, and the Marches of the same, be voide and of noon effec~te. And that all maner of Grauntes made by you to ony persone or persones, of estate of enheritaunce, terme of lyffe, or terme of yeres, of eny Herbage or Pannage, Fisshyng, Pasture, or commyn of Pasture, youre Wareyn, Wode, Wyne, Clothyng, Furres, to noon office longinge nor perteinyng, the saide first day of your reigne nor afore, noght yeldyng to you the verray value thereof, nor doing noo charge to you therfore to the value therof, be voide and of noon effect. And over that, like it to youre Highnes to take, resume, seise and reteine into youre handes and possession, all maner Liberties, Privileges, Fraunchises, Hundredes, Wapentakes, Letes, Rapes, Vewe of Frankpledge, Fynes, Amercimentes, Issues and profites of the same, by you graunted syth the first day of your reigne, to ony persone or persones, or Abbot, Priour, Deane, Chapitre, Maystre or Wardeyn of College, Fraternitee, Crafte or Gilde, and all maner such Grauntes to be voide and noon effec~t. And furthermore, all Grauntes made by you to ony persone or persones of ony offices, the which were noon offices the first day of your reigne nor afore, be voide and of noon effec~t. And that all Grauntes made by you to ony persone or persones, yeving theim power to make or ordeine ony Officer or Officers, of whom the makyng and ordenaunce, the saide first day of youre Reigne, or ony tyme sythe longed to you, or thenne were noon such Officers nor afore; that thanne suche Grauntes os in makyng, or ordenaunce of suche Officers, be voide and of noon effec~t. And over that, yat all Grauntes or Relesses, made by you sythe the first day of youre reigne, to ony Abbot, Priour, Convent, or to ony other persone or persones, of discharge or quyt clayme of ony Corrodies or Corrodie, Pension or Pensions, Dismes Spirituels, or Quinzismes, or Dismes Temporels, Rentes or Services, or ony other charge, be voide and of noone effec~t. And that no persone or persones having estate in Offices, Fee symple or Fee taille, of youre graunte, or ony having theire estate, have other estate in the seide Offices, but terme of theire lyffes that nowe hafe the seid Offices, with fees and wages to the seid Offices of olde tyme accustomed oonly, and noon otherwyse. And that all maner Grauntes by you made or to be made, to ony persone or persones of the premisses, or of ony parcell, duryng this youre present Parlement, be voide and of noon effec~t. And that noo persone or persones that hadde ony thinge of the premisses afore the tyme of the saide resumption, be noght chargable by wey of accompt or otherwyse for the same, ayeinst You, youre heires and successours, except thoo that by youre Grauntes afore the said Resumption were accomptable - [after that a number of pages of exceptions for various people - immediately preceding Thomas Danyell are John Hampton, Rauff Babthorp, John Noreys, John Penycok and Philipp Wentworth five squires of king's body] - Provided alway, that this present Ac~t, Petition or Resumption, in no wyse strecche nor extende to eny graunt or graunts, made by us by oure Letters Patenz .... to Thomas Danyell Squier for oure body, nor to eny thyng by us to hym graunted soule, nor by us graunted to hym and eny other person or persons joyntly with hym, nor therto ne to eny of theym be prejudiciall in eny wyse; but that the said Letters Patenes so made, aftur the tenour of the same be goode and effec~tue. Savyng oonly, the Graunt made by us to hym, of the Maner of Gedyngton in the shire of Northampton, that is of yerely valowe of xxvi li, which we have resumed into oure handes. - [immediately following Thomas Danyell are William Tresham squire, William Myners Huissher of King's chamber and his son William, Bartylmewe Halley Huissher of King's chamber and his son Pers, Thomas Pulford Huissher of King's chamber, Thomas Staunton squire Huissher of King's chamber and his son John, and Jenkyn Stanley Huissher of King's chamber and his son John, and then varios peers] - see Rolls of Parliament Henry-6/V/183-190b.

PARLIAMENT:4 - 1450 George Danyell - [continuing above list of exceptions - immediately preceding George Danyell are Nicholas Seintlo squire, marshall of King's Hall, Giles Thorndon squire, William Catesby squire of King's household, John Parke one of clerks of greencloth, John Martyn squire of king's household] - Provided also, that this present Ac~te of Resumption, extende not nor be prejudicial in any wise unto George Danyell Squier, of nor in any Graunt, Leses or Demises, by us made unto hym; bot yat oure Letters Patentz to hym made stande in their strength and pleyne effecte; so that it passe not the summe of XX marcs yerely - [immediately following George Danyell are John Hoghton, Richard George, James Davinport, Raulyn Say and Thomas Belgrave, five sergeants at arms - list continues for few more pages] - see Rolls of Parliament Henry-6/V/197b.

PARLIAMENT:5 - 1450 1/12 Thomas Danyell - Petitio ad removend' certas personas a presentia Regia - Item, quedam alia Petitio exhibita fuit prefato Domino Regi, in Parliamento predic~to, per Communes Regni Anglie in eodem Parliamento existen', in hec verba - Prayen the Commons, for asmoche as the persones hereafter in this Bille named, hath been of mysbehavyng aboute youre Roiall persone, and in other places, by whos undue meanes youre possessions have been gretely amenused, youre lawes not executed, and the peas of this youre Reame not observed nother kept, to youre grete hurt, and trouble of the liege people of this youre Reame, and likely subversion of the same, without youre good and gracious advertisment in all goodely hast in this behalf. - Please youre Highnes, the premisses considered, and how universall noyse and claymour of the seid mysbehayng renneth openly thorough all this youre Reame uppon these sames persones; That is to say, Edmond Duke of Somerset, Alice Pole late the wyfe of William Pole late Duke of Suffolk, William Bothe Bisshop of Chestre, John Sutton Knyght, Baron of Dudley, Thomas Danyell late of London Squier, John Trevilian late of London Squier, Edward Grymston late of London Squier, Thomas Kent Clerk of youre Counseill, John Say late of London Squier, Reynold Abbot of the Chirche of Seint Peter of Gloucestr' in the Shire of Gloucestr', Thomas Pulford late of London Squier, John Hampton Squier, William Myners Squier, John Blakeney Squier, John Penycoke Squier, John Gargrave Squier, Stephen Slegge, Thomas Stacy, Thomas Hoo, Lord Hastynges, Edmond Hungerford Knyght, Thomas Stanley Knyght, John of Stanley, otherrwise called Jenkyn of Stanley, Ussher of your Chambre, Squier, Bartholomewe Halley, Rauf Babthorp Squier, Edmond Hampden Knyght, Maister John Somerset, Maister Gervays le Volore, oon of youre Secretaries, John Newport otherwise called John Spycer late of the Ilee of Wyght Squyer, and Robert Wynfeld Knyght, to ordeigne by auc~torite of this your present Parlement, be voided and amoeved fro youre moost noble presence, persone and Estate, terme of here lyfes so that they noor none of theym approche youre seid presence by the space of xii myle, uppon peyne of forfeiture to you of their goodes and Landes, that they or they or any persone have to their use, or to the use of any of theym in fee symple, holden of you immediately. And also to forfeitall the Landes and Tenementes, that they or any of theym, or eny other persone have to the use of eny of hem in fee symple, holden of other persones immediately, to the persones that the seid Landes or Tenementes been soo halden of; savyng to every to every of your Lieges and their heires, other than the seid persones soo named of mysbehavyng, their right, title and interesse, that they have in said Landes and Tenementes. - Forsen alwey, that if eny of the seid persones be compelled by the cours of your lawe, without covyne,fraud or male engyne of hymself, to nygh youre persone otherwise then it is above rehersed, to by your commaundement and advis of youre grete Counseill for his being, be not hurt by this Ac~te. And that every of the seid personessoo named of mysbehavyng, having eny occupasion or office aboute youre persone, forfeitte the seid occupation and office, with fees and wages longyng therto, fro the First day of Decembr' this XX1Xth yere of youre reigne. - Response - Qua quidem Petitione, in Parliamento predic~to lec~ta, audita et plenius intellec~ta, de avisamento and assensu predic~tis, respondebatur eidem in forma fequenti: - As it hath bee declared, by the Kynges commaundement, by the mouth of his Chaunceller dyvers tymes, the entent of his highness is and shall be, to be accompanyed of virtues persones, and of noon other; and that also as toward the persones named in this Petition, his Highness is not sufficiently lerned of eny cause why they shuld be removed frome the presence of his Highness; Nevertheles, his Highness, of his owne mere movyng, and by noon other auc~torite, is agreed, that except the persone of any Lord named in the seid Petition, and except also certein persones which shall be right fewe in nombre, the which have be accustumed contynuelly to waite uppon his persone, and knowen howe and in what wise they shall mowe beste serve hym to his pleasure, his Highness is agreed, that the remnaunte ahall absente theym frome his high Presence, and from his Court, for the space of an hoole yere; within the which, any man that can and woll any thyng objec~t ayenst any of hem, for the which it shall mowe be thought resonable, that he shuld be straunged from his high Presence and Service, and from his Court, he that soo wolle objec~t, shall be patiently harde and entended to: Savyng alwey, that if it happen the Kyng to take the Felde ayenst his Ennemyes or Rebelles, that than it shall be lefull to hym to use the service of any of his Liege people, this notwithstondyng. - see Rolls of Parliament Henry-6/V/216b.

PARLIAMENT:6 - 1455 Elizabeth Torbock nee Danyell, Richard Torbock and Thomas Danyell - Soit baille as Sr~s - Henry Woodhous - To the right wise and discriet Co~es {Commons] in this present Parlement assembled; Humbly besechith your pover and contynuel Oratour Henry Wodhous. That forasmuche as Sir John Clyfton Knyght, and Oliver Groce Squier, and othir, sumtyme Feoffes of John Wodhous, Fader to your said Bisecher, whos heir he is, of the Manoirs of Grymston, Rydon, Congham and Rysyng, with the appurtenaunces, in the Countie of Norff', by the praier and desire of your said Besecher, enfeoffed Thomas Danyell and John Dowevebiggyng, in Fee of trust in the said Manoirs, with theire appurtenaunces, to the use of oon Alice late the Wif to John Wodhous Squier, and Moder unto your said Bisecher, for terme of her lif, to th'entente and ende that the said Manoirs, with theire appurtenaunces, shulde remayne to the use of the your seid Bisecher, aftir the decesse of the seid Alice. And also to that affiaunce and ende, that your said Besecher shuld have had Elizabeth, Suster of the said Thomas Danyell to his Wif; the whiche Elizabeth, the same Thomas Danyell ,pmysed your said Bisecher to have had to his Wif; the whiche Elizabeth was maried to another Man aftir the seid Feoffment so made, that is to sey, to oon Richard Torbok, unknowying to your said Bisecher: And so by the mean of the said Thomas Danyell; your said Bisecher wowed the said Elizabeth, she beyng at that tyme anothir Mannes Wif, at oon John of Kents hous; which John delivered there to your said Bisecher xxd. by comaundement of the said Thomas Danyell, at that same tyme to make the said Elizabeth good chere withalle; and over that, John Portyngton Justice, Thomas Tudenham Knyght, and other their cofeoffes of your said Bisecher, of the Manoir of Welles, othirwise called the Priory Alien or the Hous of Welles, and otherwise called Welhalle, in the said Counte of Norff', with all his appurtenaunces, of trust to the use of your said Bisecher, atte desire and praier of your said Bisecher, of the said Manoir of Welhall, by the name as it is afore rehersed, enfeoffed the right worshipfull and reverent Fader in God, John late Archebisshop of Caunterbury, the said Thomas Danyell, and John Dowevebyggyng, in Fee of trust to use and ,pfite of your said Bisecher. And aftir that, the said late Archebisshop, atte praier of your said Bisecher, relessed all his right that he had in the said Manoir of Welhall, by the name as it is afore rehersed, with all his seid appurtenaunces, to the said Thomas Danyell, and John Dowevebyggyng, of trust to the use and ,pfite of your said Bisecher. And also your said Bisecher did make a generall dede of Feoffment, and enseled hit to the said Thomas Danyell, and John Dowevebyggyng, and othir, of and in alle the other Manoirs, Londes and Te~ntes, the whiche your said Bisecher had, or in any wife might have within the Realme of England. And also made and knowlaged dyvers reconysauncez by fine and othir dyvers suretees, as well by himself as by othir, at the request and plesire of the said Thomas Danyell, to th'entente that your said Bisecher shuld have had the said Elizabeth to his Wif, whiche Elizabeth was then maried to another Man as it is above rehersed, by the labour and assent of the said Thomas Danyell aftir these estates so made. Please hit your right wise discrecions to consider the premisses, and thereupon to beseche the King oure Soverain Lorde, that hit like his Highnesse, by th'avise and assent of the Lordes Sp~uell and Temporell in this present Parlement assembled, and by auc~torite of the same Parlement, to ordeyne, ,pvide, graunte and establish, that the said feoffementes, ly~ves, or seison made thereupon, and alle relesses made to the said Thomas Danyell, and John Dowevebyggyng, and to their cofeoffees, or to eny of theym, by eny maner ~psones or ~psone, of eny of the said Manoirs, with their appurtenaunces, or eny parcell of theym, by the mean of the said Henry Wodhous, in forcessyng of the said estates, and alle othir feoffmentes and estates made in all, and every rent charge, reconysaunce, Statute of the Staple, Statute Merchaunte, or any othir charges graunted or doon by the said Thomas Danyell, and John Dowevebyggyng, or eny other their coeffes , with theym or by eny of theym, or by eny othir havyng eny estate by theym or eny of theym, in the said Manoirs, Londes and Te~ntes, or any parcell thereof, with their appurtenaunces: And alle maner fynes, obligacions, reconysaunces, and othir recordes upon the same in eny wise made and engrosed, or any othir surete made by your said Bisecher, or by eny other ~psones or ~psone for him therefore made, be revoked, cassed and anyentified, repeled and adnulled, and voide in lawe, and of no force. And over that, that your said Bisecher, by the said auc~torite, may entre, have, holde, occupie, and peicibly enjoye, alle the said Manoirs, Londes and Ten~tes, and every parcell of theym, with their appurtenaunces, ayenst the said Thomas Danyell, and John Dowevebyggyng, and all other their cofeffees, and their heirs, and the heirs and assignees of everyche of theym, and all othir havyng or pretending estate by theym or by eny of theym, in the said Manoirs, Londes and Tent~es, with their appurtenaunces, or in eny parcell thereof, of lyke estate as he shuld have had them if the feoffment thereof had nat been by the said John Wodehouse his Fadre, to the seid Sir John Clifton, Oliver Groce, and others his feoffes, the said feoffmentes, estates, relesses, fynes, obligacions, reconysaunces, rent chargez, surete, and all othir evidences and records made upon the same, unto the said Thomas Danyell, and John Dowevebyggyng, and her coeffees, her heirs or assignees, or to eny of theym, or by theym or for theym or eny of theym made in eny wise, or in eny othirwise doon, with all the issues and ~pfites of the same, in eny wise receyved, and had by theym or be eny of theym; eny Ac~te, Ordenaunce, Statute or Restreynte made in the contrary, notwithstanding: And your said Bisecher shall pray to God for you. Considering, the the right wise and discrete Comons, assembled in several Parlementes, holden senne the tyme of the Parlement holden at Wynchestre before this tyme, have assented and graunted the premises - Response: The Kyng, havyng consideracion, that the said Herry, the tyme of the makyng of the said alienacions, reconysances by fyne and other sueretees, was accombred and blynded with unsad trust and ~pmysse of Mariage, so that for lak of discrecion, that the said Herry shuld have had at that tyme, was not able to make suche alienacions and reconysances: Will therfor and graunteth, that this Peticion and all the continue thereof, be had and doon in maner and fourme as it is desired by the same. Provided alwey, that neyther the said Thomas Danyell, nor John Dowevebyggyng, nor eny othir theire cofeffees, or eny of thiere heires or assignees, be bounde by this Ac~te to answere to the said Herry, of any issues or ~pfittes resceyved of thes ~pmisses, before the first day of the ~psent Parlement - see Rolls of Parliament Henry-6/V/340b.

PARLIAMENT:7 - 1461 Thomas Danyell - Convictie quorumdam Dominorum, and aliorum, auc~toritate, Parliamenti - Item, quedam Cedula, formam Ac~tus in fe continens, exhibita fuit prefato Domino Regi in presenti Parliamento, sub eo sequitur tenore verborum - For asmoche as Henry, late Kyng Henry the sixt, ayenst the honoure and trouth that owe to be stablished in every Christien Prynce, dissimilyng with the right noble and famous Prynce Richard Duc of York, to whome it lyked at the grete and speciall instaunce of the same Henry, and of the Lordes Sp~uelx and Temporelx, and Commyns of the Reame of Englond, solempnely to hym made, and for the tender and naturall zele and affec~tion that he bare unto the commyn wele, good politique, and restfull governaunce thereof, to take his Viage from the Cite of London toward the North parties of the seid Reame, to represse, subdue and resist the unleefull and inordynat Commotion and Riotte there bigonne, to the subversion of the seid Co~en wele, politique and restfull governaunce: Natheles procured, stered and excited, ayenst his promisse, and the forme of the Convention and Concorde made bitwene hem of and uppon the right and title of the seid Coroune, Roiall power, Dignite, Estate, Preemynence and Possession of the seid Reame, the murdre of the same Duc. And where the seid Henry Usurpour, dissimilyng the destruction of other Lordes and persones of the same Reame, by his Writts called to assist hym to attend upon his persone, to resiste and represse another Commocion of people, by his assent and wille gadered, and waged not oonly in the North parties, but also oute of Scotlond, commyng from the same parties with Margarete late called Quene of Englond, and hir son Edward, late called Prynce of Wales, entendyng to the extreme destruc~tion of the seid Reame, namely of the South parties therof, wherof experience sheweth the clerenes, respect had to the spoile by theym of Godds chirch, of Chalesses, Crosses of Sylver, Boxes for the Sacrament, and other Onourments longyng therunto, of defoulyng and ravishing Religious Wymmen, Wedowes and Maydens, of unmanly and abhomynable entretyng of Wymmen beyng in the naturall Labour and bataille of travailyng of Child, by the moyne therof piteously disperaged, Haven sorowyng the lost therby of the Soules that shuld have been of the Felauship of Cristendom and of the blisse of Heven, not abhorryng of unmanly, unnaturall and beestly cruelte to drawe Wymmen beyng in Childebedde from their bedds naked, and to spoile hem of all her goods, a piteous desolacion. The same Henry, ac~tour, fac~tour and provoker of the seid Commocion, and assentyng of Coveyne with the seid Margarete, Henry Duc of Somerset, and Henry late Erle of Northumberlond, in a bataille to be shewed unto hym, and offered of fraudulent dissimilacion, in a feld beside the Toune of Seint Albones, the XVII day of Feverer last past, not joynyng his persone and blode to the defence, tuition and salvacion of the same Lordes and persones commen to assist him by his auc~torite and commaundement, lyke a vic~torious and noble Captayne, but lyke a disseyvable Coward, ayenst Princely and Knyghtly duetee, sodenly, privately and shamefully refused theym, sufferyng and procuryng to disseivably th'effucion of their blode, and horrible murdre and deth, not havyng therof sorowe, pitee or compassion; adheryng to the seid Margaret, and to the seid Duc of Somerset, and other Lordes and persones that committed the seid orrible and cruell murdre of the seid Duc of York, and of the Erles of Rutland and Salisbury, and also of the seid people, in the seid felde beside the seid Toune of Seint Albones, yevyng therfor to the seid Duc and other assistyng theym therin, a speciall laude and thank, from thensforth appliyng to theym and to their outrageous and unlawfull Riotts and mysgovernaunce; after that sufferyng wilfully thoo worthy and good Knyghtes, William Lord Bonville, and Sir Thomas Kiryell, for the prowesse of Knyghthode approved in their persones called to the order of the Garter, and William Gower Squier, the Berer of oon of his Baners, whom to he made feith and assurans under Kynges word, procedyng from his mouth, to kepe and defend theym there from all hurt, joupardie and perell, to be murdred, and after that tyrannyously heded, with grete violence, withoute process of Lawe or any pitee, contrary to his seid feith and promysse, abhomynable in the heryng of all Christen Prynces. For asmoch also as Henry Duc of Somerset, purposyng, ymaginyng and compassyng, of extreme and insaciate malice and violence, to distroy the right noble and famous Prynce of wurthy memorie, Richard late Duc of York, Fader to oure Liege and Soverayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth, and in his lyf verrey Kyng in right of the Reame of Englond, singular Protec~tour, Lover and Defensour of the good governaunce, pollicie, commyn wele, peas and tranquillite therof; and also Thomas Courtenay late Erle of Devonshire, Henry late Erle of Northumberlond, Thomas Lord Roos, John late Lord Nevill, John Whelpdale late of Lychefeld Clerk, Philip Lowes late of Thouresby in the Counte of Lincoln Clerk, Bawdewyn Fulforth Knyght, Alexander Hody Knyght, Nicholas Latymer Knyght, James Loterell Knyght, Edmund Mountford Knyght, Thomas Fyndern Knyght, Henry Lewes Knyght, John Heron of the Forde Knyght, Richard Tunstall Knyght, Henry Belyngham Knyght, Robert Whityngham Knyght, William Grymmesby late of London late Squier, Thomas Tunstall late of Thurland in the Shire of Lancastr' Squier, Symond Hammes Knyght, Thomas Dalton late of Lilbourne in the Counte of Northumberlond Gentilman, James Dalton late of the same Gentilman, George Dalton late of the same Gentilman, John Clapham late of Skipton in Craven in Yorkshire Yoman, Andrew Trollop late of Guysnes Squier, Antony Notehill Knyght, John Botiller late of Howke in the Counte of Dorset Squier, Gawen Lampleugh late of Warkeworth in the shire of Northumberlond Gentilman, Edmund Fyssh late of York Tayleour, Thomas Fryfell late of the same Smyth, John Smothyng late of the same Yoman, John Caterall late of Brayton in the Counte of York Gentilman, Thomas Barton late of Helmesley in the Counte of York Gentilman, William Fyppes late of Southduffeld in the Counte of York Yoman, Henry Clyff th'elder late of Lokyngton in the Counte of York Yoman, Robert Tomlynson late of Helagh in the Counte of York Yoman, and Thomas Barton late of York Mason; at Wakefeld in the Shire of York, on Tywesday the XXX day of Decembr' last past, with grete despite and cruell violence, horrible and unmany tyrannye, murdred the seid right noble Prynce Duc of York. And where also Henry Duc of Excestr', Henry Duc of Somerset, Thomas Courtenay late Erle of Devonshire, Henry late Erle of Northumberlond, William Vicecount Beaumont, Thomas Lord Roos, John late Lord Clyfford, Leo late Lord Welles, John late Lord Nevill, Thomas Gray Knyght, Lord Rugemond Gray, Randolf late Lord Dacre, Humphrey Dacre Knyght, John Morton late Person of Blokesworth in the Shire of Dorset Clerk, Rauff Makerell late Person of Ryseby in the Shire of Suff' Clerk, Thomas Mannyng late of New Wyndefore in Berkshire Clerk, John Whelpdale late of Lychefeld in the Counte of Stafford Clerk, John Nayler late of London Squier, John Preston late of Wakefeld in the Shire of York Preest, Philip Wentworth Knyght, John Fortescu Knyght, William Tailboys Knyght, Edmund Mountford Knyght, Thomas tresham Knyght, William Vaux Knyght, Edmund Hampden Knyght, Thomas Fyndern Knyght, John Courteney Knyght, Henry Lewes Knyght, Nicholas Latymer Knyght, Waltier Nuthill late of Ryston in Holdernes in the shire of York Squier, John Heron of the Forde Knyght, Richard Tunstall Knyght, Henry Belyngeham Knyght, Robert Whityngham Knyght, John Ormond otherwise called John Botillier Knyght, William Mille Knyght, Symond Hammes Knyght, William Holand Knyght called the Bastard of Excestr', William Josep' late of London Squier, Everard Dygby late of Stokedry in the Shire of Ruthlond Squier, John Myrsyn late of Suthwerk in the Shire of Surr' Squier, Thomas Philip late of Dertyngton in Devonshire Squier, Thomas Brampton late of Guynes Squier, Giles Seyntlowe late of London Squier, Thomas Claymond, the seid Thomas Tunstall, Thomas Crawford late of Caleys Squier, John Aldeley late of Guynes Squier,John Lenche of Wyche in the Shire of Worcestre Squier, Thomas Ormond otherwise called Thomas Botillier Knyght, Robert Bellyngeham late of Burnashelde in the Shire of Westmoreland Squier, Thomas Everyngham late of Newhall in the Shire of Leycestr' Knyght, John Penycok late of Waybrigge in the Counte of Surr' Squier, William Grymmesby late of Grymmesby in the Shire of Lincoln' Squier, Henry Roos late of Rokyngham in the Shire of NorthamptonKnyght, Thomas Danyell late of Rysyng in the Shire of Norff' Squier, John Doubiggyng late of the same Gentilman, Richard Kirkeby late of Kirkeby Ireleth in the Shire of Lancastr' Gentilman, William Ackeworth late of Luton in the Shire of Bed' Squier, William Weynesford late of London Squier, Richard Stucley late of Lambehith in the Counte of Surr' Squier, Thomas Stanley late of Carlile Gentilman, Thomas Litley late of London Grocer, John Maydenwell late of Kirton in Lyndesey in the Counte of Lincoln Gentilman, Edward Ellesmere late of London Squier, John Dauson late of Westmynster in the Shire of Midd' Yoman, Henry Spencer late of the same Yoman, John Smoothyng late of York Yoman, John Beaumont late of Goodby in the Shire of Leyc' Gentilman, Henry Beaumont late of the same Gentilman, Roger Wharton, otherwise called called Roger of the Halle, late of Burgh in the Shire of Westmerlond Grome, John Joskyn late of Branghing in the Shire of Hertf' Squier, Richard Litestr' the yonger late of Wakefeld Yoman, Thomas Carr late of Westmynster Yoman, Robert Bollyng late of Bollyng in the Shire of York Gentilman, Robert Hatecale late of Barleburgh in the same Shire Yoman, Richard Everyngham late of Pontfreyt in the same Shire Squier, Richard Fulnaby of Fulnaby in the Shire of Lincoln Gentilman, Laurence Hille late of Moch Wycombe in the Counte of Buk' Yoman, Rauff Chernock late of Thorley in the Counte of Lancastr' Gentilman, Richard Gaitford of Estretford in Cley in the Shire of Notyngh' Gentilman, John Chapman late of Wymbourne Mynster in Dorset shire Yoman, and Richard Cokerell late of York Marchaunt; on Sonday called comynly Palme Sonday, the XXIX day of Marche, the first yere of his reigne, in the feld bitwene the Townes of Shirbourne in Elmett, and Tadcastr' in the seid Shire of York, called Saxtonfeld and Tawtonfeld, in the Shire of York, accompanyed with the Frensshmen and Scotts, the Kynges Enneymes, falsely and traiterously ayenst their feith and Liegeaunce, there rered werre ayenst the same Kyng Edward, their rightwise, true, and naturall Liege Lord, purposyng there and then to have distroyed hym, and deposed hym of his Roiall Estate, Coroune and Dignite; and then and there, to that entent, falsely and traiterously moved bataille ayenst his seid Astate, shedyng therin the blode of a grete nombre of his Subgetts: In which bataille, it pleased Almyghty God to yeve unto hym, of the mysterie of his myght and grace, the vic~torie of his Ennemyes and Rebelles, and to subdue and avoyde th'effec~t of thir fals and traiterous purpose. And where also the seid Henry, late called Kyng Henry the sixt, Margaret his wyf, late called Quene of Englond, and Edward her son, late called Prynce of Wales, and also Henry Duc of Excestre, Henry Duke of Somerset, Thomas Lord Roos, Thomas Grey Knyght, Lord Rugemonde Gray, in the fest of Seint Marc Evangelist last past, purposyng and ymaginyng the destruc~tion of oure seid Soverayne Lord Kyng Edward, to depose hym of his Roiall Astate and Dignite, procured of James Kyng of Scotts, and of his Subgetts, then Ennemyes of oure seid Soverayne Lord, their eyde, assistence and armed power, to entre uppon the same oure Soverayne Lord into his seid Reame, to put hym from the reigne therof, and to distroy hym; and to that entent, convened with the same James Kyng of Scotts, and ayeinst their feith and Liegeaunce, delyvered to hym to his possession and obeisaunce, in the seid Fest, the Toune and Castell of Berwyk, of oure Liege Lordes, then beyng their rightwise, true and naturall Liege Lord, to that ende and effec~t, that the seid Kyng of Scotts soo then possessed of the seid Toune and Castell, the key of the Estmarches of Englond, shuld therby have entre, to execute the unjust, untrue, and malicious purpose and entent of the seid Henry, Margaret and Edward. And for asmoch also as the seid Margarete, and also Henry Duc of Excestr', Henry Duc of Somerset, Jasper Erle of Pembroke, James late Erle of Wilteshire, Robert lord Hungerford, Thomas Mannyng Clerk, John Lax late Parsoune of Walton in the Shire of Somerset Clerk, Henry Lewes Knyght, Robert Whityngham Knyght, John Ormond otherwise called John Botillier Knyght, Frere Roberet Gasley, of the ordre of the Freres Prechours, and Thomas Cornewayle Squier, have ayenst their feith and Liegeaunce, dyvers tymes sith the fourth day of Marche last past, stured, laboured and provoked the Ennemyes of oure seid Soverayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth, of outeward landes, to entre into this seid Reame with gret bataille, to rere werre ayenst his Astate within this seid Reame, to conquere the same from his possession and obeysaunce, to depose hym of Roiall Astate, Corounes and Dignite, and to destroy his moost noble persone and subgetts. And where also the same Margarete, and Edward her son, and also the seid Henry Duc of Excestr', Thomas Grey, Lord Rugemonde Grey, Humphrey Dacre Knyght, Edmund Hampden Knyght, Robert Whityngham Knyght, Henry Bellyngeham Knyght, and Richard Tunstall Knyght, adheryng to the Scotts, Ennemyes of oure seid Soverayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth, convened with the same Scotts, procuryng, desiring and waggyng theym to enter into his seid Reame, to make there werre ayenst his Roiall Mageste, bringyng the same scotts and Ennemyes to his Cite of Carlile, besegyng and envirounyng it, brennyng the Subarbes therof, distroiyng the Howses, Habitacions and Landes of his Subgetts nygh therunto, in manere of Conquest; purposyng, ayenst their feith and Liegeaunce, to have delyvered the seid Cite, the key of the Westmarches of Englond, into the possession and obeysaunce of the seid Kyng of Scotts, and to have spoiled the Coroune of Englond therof, as they didde of the seid Toune of Berwyk. And over that, where the seid Henry, late called Kyng of Englond the sixt, and also Thomas Lord Roos, Thomas Gray, Lord Rugemonde Grey, Humfrey Dacre Knyght, John Fortescu Knyght, William Tailboys Knyght, Edmund Mountford Knyght, Thomas Nevill late of Brauncepath in the Bishopryke of Durham Clerk, Humfrey Nevill late of the same Squier, and Thomas Elwyke late of Caleys Squier, the XXVI day of Juyne last past, at Ryton and Brauncepath in the Bishopryke of Durham, with Standards and Gyturons unrolled, rered werre ayenst oure seid Lord Kyng Edward, purposyng to have deposed hym of his Roiall Astate, Coroune and Dignite, ayenst their feith and Liegeaunce. And for asmoch also as Henry Duc of Excestre, Jasper Erle of Pembroke, and Thomas FitzHerry late of Herford Squier, at a place called Tutehill, besid' the Toune of Carnarvon in Wales, on Friday next after the fest of Translacion of Seint Edward last past, rered werre ayenst the same oure Soverayne Lord purposyng then and there to have proceded to his destruc~tion, of fals and cruell violence, ayenst their feith and Liegeaunce. - see Rolls of Parliament Henry-6/V/477b.

PARLIAMENT:8 - 1461 Thomas Danyell - It is declared and adjuged, by th'assent and advis of the Lordes Sp~uelx and Temporelx, and Commyns, beyng in this present Parlement, and by auc~torite of the same, that the seid Henry, late called Kyng Henry the sixt, for the consideracions of the grete, haynouse, and detestable malice and offenses afore specifyed, by hym committed ayenst his feith and Liegeaunce to oure seid Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth, his true, rightwisse, and naturall Liege Lord, offended and hurte unjustely and unlawfully the Roiall Mageste of oure seid Soverayne Lord, stand and be, by the seid advise and assent, convic~ted and atteinted of high Treason. And that it be ordeyned and stablished, by the seid advis, assent and auc~torite, that the same Henry, forfet unto the same oure Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth, and to the Coroune of Englond, all Castelxs, Maners, Lordships, Tounes, Touneships, Honours, Landes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Services, Feefermes, Knyghtes fees, Advousons, Hereditaments and Possessions, with their appurtenauncez, which he, or any other to his use, had the third day of Marche last past, beyng of the Duchie of Lancastr', or that were any parcell or membre of the same Duchie, or therunto unyed or annexed, in the first yere of the reigne of Henry, late called King Henry the fyft, or at any tyme sith. And that it be ordeyned and stablished, by the seid advis, assent and auc~torite, that the same Maners, Castelles, Lordships, Honours, Tounes, Touneships, Landes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Services, Feefermes, Knyghtes Fees, Advousons, Hereditaments and Possessions, with their appurtenaunces, in Englond, Wales and Caleis, and the Marches therof, make and from the seid fourth day of Marche be, the seid Duchie of Lancastr' corporat, and be called the Duchie of Lancastr'. And that oure seid Soverayne lord Kyng Edward the fourth, have, sease, take, hold, enjoy and enherit, all the same Manoirs, Castelles and other premisses, with their appurtenauncez, by the same name of Duchie, fro all other his enheritauncez separate, fro the seid fourth day of Marche, to hym and to his heires Kyngs of Englond perpetuelly. And that the Counte of Lancastr' be a Counte Palatyne. And that oure Liege and Soverayn Lord Kyng Edward the fourth, and his heires, have, as parcell of the seid Duchie, the same Countie of Lancastr a Counte Palatyne, and a Seale, Chaunceller, Juges and Officers there for the same; and all manere Libertees, Customes, Lawes Roiall and Fraunchises, in the same Countie Palatyne lawfully and rightwisely used; and over that another Seale, called the Seale of the Duchie of Lancastr', and a Chaunceller for the kepyng therof, Officers and Counceillers for the gidyng and governaunce of the same Duchie, and of the particular Officers, Ministres, Tenauntes and Inh~itaunts therof, in as grete, ample, and large forme, as Henry, callyng hymsilf Kyng Henry the fyft, at any tyme therin had, used, or enjoyed lawfully. And that, by the same auc~torite, the seid Officers and Ministres, and also the Tenauntez and Inh~itaunts of and in the same Duchie, have, use, exercise and enjoy, such, and all Liberties, Fraunchises, Privileges and Customes, as the Officers, Ministres, Tenauntes and Inh~itaunts of the same Duchie had, used, exercised or enjoyed lawfully, in the tyme of the same Henry, callyng hymsilf Kyng Henry the fyft. And that also in the same Duchie be used, had and occupied, all such Fredomes, Libertees, Fraunchises, Customes, Privileges and Jurisdic~tions, as were used therin lawfully afore the seid iiii day of Marche. And that the Officers, Ministres, Tenauntes and Inh~itaunts of or in the seid Duchie, be entreated and demeaned accordyng to the same Fredomes, Libertees, Fraunchises, Customes, Privileges and Jurisdic~tions, and not distreyned, arted, or compelled to the contrarey, in any wise. And more over that it be ordeyned, demed and declared, by the seid assent, advis and auc~torite, that the seid Margaret, for the consideracions of her transgressions and offences aforespecified, committed ayenst her feith and Liegeaunce to the same oure Soverayne and Liege Lord Kyng Edward, stand and be, by the seid advis, assent and auc~torite, convicted and attainted of high Treason. And that the same Margarete, and also the seid Edward her son, be unabled, and taken, holden, demed and reputed, unables and unworthy, to have, occupie, hold, enherir or joy, any state, name of Dignite, Preemynence or Possessions, within the Reame of Englond aforeseid, in Irlond or Wales, in Caleys, or in the Marches therof, in Fraunce or Guyenne. And alo that the same Margarete, and Edward her son, forfet to oure Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth, all Castelles, Maners, Lordshipos, Honoures, Landes and Ten~tes, with their appurtenaunces, Goodes and Catelles, which they or either of theym, or any other to their or either of their use, had within the seid Reame, or in Wales aforesweid, the seid iiiith day of Marche. And also that the seid Henry Duc of Somerset, Thomas Courtenay late Erle of Devonshire, Henry late Erle of Northumberlond, Thomas Lord Roos, John late Lord Clyfford, John late Lord Nevill, be unabled for ever from hensforth, to have, hold, enherit or joy, any name of Dignite, Estate or Preemynence, within the same Reame, in Irlond or Wales, or in Caleys, or in the Marches therof, and their heires be unable to cleyme or have by theym any such name, estate or preemynence. And that they and also John Whelpdale Clerk, Philip Lowys Clerk, Bawdewyn Fulforth Knyght, Alexander Hody Knyght, Nicholas Latymer Knyght, James Loterel Knyght, Edmund Mountford Knyght, Thomas Fyndern Knyght, Henry Lowes Knyght, John Heron of the Forde Knyght, Richard Tunstall Knyght, Henry Belyngham Knyght, Robert Whityngham Knyght, William Grymmesby late Squier, Thomas Tunstall Squier, Symonde Hammes Knyght, Thomas Dalton Gentilman, James Dalton Gentilman, George Dalton, John Clapham, Andrewe Trollop, Antony Notehill Knyght, John Botiller Gentilman, Gawen Lamplewe Gentilman, Edmund Fyssh, Thomas Fryfell, John Smothyng, John Caterall, Thomas Barton late of Helmesley, William Fyppes, Henry Clyff, Robert Tomlynson, and Thomas Barton of York Mason; for their traitours, cruell, and horrible murdre of the seid right noble Prynce Duc of York, afore declared, stand and be convyc~ted and attainted of high treason, and forfett to the Kyng and his heires, all the Castelx, Maners, Lordships, Landes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Services, Fees, Advousons, Hereditaments and Possessions, with their appurtenauncez, which they or any of theym had, of Estate of Enheritaunce, or any other to their or any of their use, had the xxx day of Decembr' aforeseid; or into which they, or any of theym aforeseid attaynted, or any other persone or persones, feoffes to the use or behofe of any of the seid persone or persones so attaynted, had the same day lawfull cause of entre, within Englond, Irlond or Wales, or the Marches therof, oute of the Liberte of the Bisshopryke of Durham; that is to sey, bitwene the waters of Tyne and Teese, and in the places called Norhampshire and Bedelyntonshire, within the Counte of Northumberland; in the which Liberte and places, the Bisshop of Durham and his predecessours, of tyme that no noo mynde is, have had roiall right and forfeiture of werre, in the right of the Chirch Cathedrall of Seint Cuthbert of Durham, as by concord of Parlement in tyme of the noble progenitours of oure seid Soverayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth it hath been assented. And also it is ordeyned and established in this present Parlement, by th'avis and assent of the Lordes Sp~uell and Temporell, and Commyns of this Reame, in the same Parlement assembled; that all Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Reversions, Possessions and other Inheritements, of which eny persone or persones afore named, by this present Ac~te attaynted, were seised, or had any astate, title, right, interesse or possession, sool by theym self, or joyntly with other, the xxix day of the seid moneth of Decembr', to the use , profitte or behofe of any persone or persones by this present Ac~te not attaynted, be not forfeited nor forfeitable in any wise to the Kyng, nor to his heires, nor to the seid Bisshop, nor to his successours, nor seisible into any of their handes by this present Ac~te, but utterly to be excepted and forprised oute of the same. And that all such estate, title, right, interesse and possession, which any of the seid persone or persones by this Ac~te atteynted, had the seid xxix day, in any Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritaments, to the use, profitte or behofe of any persone or persones by yis Ac~te not atteynted, growe, come and be, to every of the same persone or persones by this Ac~te not atteynted, and to their heires: And in the same persone or persones, and their heires be vested, and they therin be entitled in such wyse, fourme and maner, of estate, title, right and possession, as the seid persone or persones by this Ac~te atteynted, or any of theym, were seised, entitled or possessed of or in the same Manoirs, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, or any of theym, to the use, profitte or behofe of any of the seid persons not attaynted by this Ac~te. And that all such such estate, title, right, interesse and possession, which any of the seid persones by this Ac~te attaynted, had the seid xxix day, in any Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Posessions or other Inheritements, joyntly with ant other persone or peresones by this Ac~te not attaynted, to the use, profitte or behofe of any persone or persones by this same Ac~te not attaynted, growe, come and be, to the same persone or persones, with whome any of the seid persone or persones in manere aforeseid attaynted, had such joynt astate, right, title, interesse or possession, the seid xxix day, and in theym be vested, and they therin sooly, withoute any of the seid seid persones soo attaynted, intitled, seised and possessed: And that it be leefull to every persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted, to whose use any of the seid persones in the forme aforeseid attaynted, had any estate, right, title, interesse or possession, in any Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions or other Inheritements, to entre into the same, into whos possession so ever they be seised or come, aswell uppon the possession of the Kyng oure Soverayne Lord, as uppon the possession of any other persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted; and theym have and enjoye, accordyng to the right, title, interesse and possession, which any persone or persones by this Ac~te attaynted had in the same, the seid xxix day, to the use, profitte or behofe of theym, or of any of theym aforeseid, by this Ac~te not attaynted. And also that it be leefull to every persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted, with whome eny of the seid persones in manere aforeseid by this Ac~te attainted, hadde any joynte astate, right, title, interesse or possession, in any Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions or other Inheritements, the seid xxix day, to the use, profitte or behofe of eny persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted, to entre unto the same Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, into whoos possession soo ever they be seised or come, aswell uppon the possession of the Kyng oure Soverayne Lord, as uppon the possession of any other persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted: And the same Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, in theym be vested, and they therin sooly withoute any of the seid persones soo attaynted, entitled, seised and possessed. Savyng to every of the Kynges Lieges, and their heires, other then been attaynted by this Ac~te, and their heires claymyng any inheritaunce by theym or any of theym soo attaynted, their right, title and interesse, of and in all such Mamers, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and all other inheritements, of which any of the seid persones soo attaynted, was seised by them silf, or joyntly with other in manere aforeseid, or in any otherwise, to the use and behofe of any other persone or persones not attaynted by this Ac~te, the seid xxix day - And more over it is ordeyned and established, by the seid advis, assent and auc~torite, that every of the wyfes of every of the seid persone or persones nowe lyvyng, by this Ac~te attaynted, and every such woman as was the wyf of eny of the seid persones nowe dede, by this Ac~te atteynted, which wyfes or other wymmen were born under the obeysaunce of the Coroune of Englond, in any place oute of the Reame of Fraunce, and of the Duchy of Normandie, or born oute of this Reame, and lawfully begoten by any Englishman; after the death of their Husbondes, frely enjoy, have and possede, all their owne inheritaunces, to theym and to their heires, other than been attaynted by this Ac~te; and all Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, wherof they or any of theym, the seid xxix day of Decembr', in any wise were seised or possessed, in their owne right, state or possessiuon, or joyntly with any of their seid Husbondes, or with any other persone or persones, or of which any persone or persones were seised to the use of eny of the seid wymmen, after the forme and manere, and in lyke estate, as they or any of theym were entitled in the same, the seid xxix day; and that duryng their astates, hit be not seisible into the Kynges handes, nor the Kyng to be answered of any issues and profittez therof, the same astates duryng, by reason of yis Ac~te. And that it be lefull to every of the seid wyfes and wymmen, and to every of their heires by yis Ac~te not attaynted, to entre into the same Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, into whos possession so ever they be seased or come, aswell uppon ye possession of the Kyng our Soverayn Lord, as uppon the possession of any other persone or persones by this Ac~te not atteynted; and theym and every of theym, hold and enjoy, to theym and to their heires by this Ac~te not atteynted, accordyng to their title and interesse in ye same. Savyng to every of the Kynges Lieges and their heires, other then such as been attaynted by this Ac~te, and their heires enclaymyng any inheritaunce by theym or any of theym soo attaynted, or other havyng any title, right or interesse in any of the same Maners, Londes, Ten~tes and Possessions or other Inheritaunce, to the use of any of theym soo attaynted, the title, right and interesse of the same Lieges and their heires, of and in all such Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and all other Inhertiements, of which eny of the seid persones soo attaynted was seised by theym silf, or joyntly with other, the seid xxix day - And also it is ordeyned and established, by the seid advis, assent and auc~torite, that yf any of the seid persones by this Ac~te attaynted, have made any astate, feoffment or discontynuance, of any Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, wherof they or any of theym were seised or possessed in the right of any of their wyfes, at the tyme of such astates, feoffments or discontynuance made to eny persone or persones in any wise, that the seid Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, be not comprised in this Ac~t, but utterly be excepted and forprised oute of the same: And that the right and title of every of the seid wyfes, of and in all such Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and Inheritements, be and rest in every of the seid wyfes, and they to be at her ac~tions and recoverees of the same, and every parcell therof, accordyng to the course of the commyn lawe of Englond; this Ac~te, or any other Ordenaunce in this present Parlement made or to be made, notwithstondyng - And that the seid Henry Duc of Excestr', Henry Duc of Somerset, Thomas Courtenay late Erle of Devonshire, Henry late Erle of Northumberlond, Jasper Erle of Pembroke, James late Erle of Wilteshire, William Vicecount Beaumont, Thomas Lord Roos, John late Lord Clyfford, Robert Lord Hungerford, Leo late Lord Welles, John late Lord Nevill, Thomas Grey, Lord Rugemond Gray, and Randolf late Lord Dacre; for their traitours offences and transgressions afore specifyed, committed ayenst the Astate, Coroune and Dignite of oure seid Soverayne and Liege Lord Kyng Edward the fourth, ayenst their feith and Liegeaunce, be unabled ever from hensforth, to have, hold, enherit or joy, any name of Dignite, Estate or Preemynence, within Englond, Irelond or Wales, or in Caleys, or in the Marches therof; and that their Heires be unable to to cleyme or have by theym, any such Name, Astate or Preemynence. And that they, and also the seid John Moreton Clerk, Rauff Makerell Clerk, Thomas Mannyng Clerk, John Whelpdale Clerk, John Nayler Squier, John Preston Preest, Robert Gaseley Fryer, Thomas Nevill Clerk, John Lax Clerk, Philip Lowis Clerk, Humphrey Dacre Knyght, Philip Wentworth Knyght, John Fortescu Knyght, William Tailboys Knyght, Edmund Mountford Knyght, Thomas Tresham Knyght, William Vaux Knyght, Edmund Hampden Knyght, Thomas Fyndern Knyght, John Courteney Knyght, Henry Lewes Knyght, Nicholas Latymer Knyght, Walter Notehill Squier, Thomas Claymond, John Ormond otherwise called John Botillier Knyght, William Mille Knyght, William Holand called the Bastard of Excestr' Knyght, Thomas Everyngham Knyght, Henry Roos Knyght, Humfrey Nevill Squier, William Josep Squier, Ev~ard Digby Squier, John Myrsyn Squier, Thomas Phelip Squier, Thomas Brampton Squier, Giles Seyntlowe Squier, John Aldeley Squier, Thomas Crawford Squier, John Lenche Squier, Thomas Ormond Knyght, Robert Bellyngeham Squier, Thomas Danyell Squier, William Weynesford Squier, Edward Ellesmer Squier, John Joskyn Squier, Richard Everyngham Squier, Thomas Cornewayll Squier, Thjomas Elwyk Squier, Thomas FitzHenry Squier, John Penycok, John Doubyggyng Gentilman, Richard Kyrkeby Gentilman, John Beaumont Gentilman, Henry Beaumont Gentilman, Robert Bollyng, Richard Fulnaby, Rauff Chernok, John Maydenwell Gentilman, Thomas Litley Grocer, William Ackeworth, Richard Stucley, Roger Wharton, John Dauson Yoman, Henry Spencer Yoman, Richard Litestr' Yoman, Thomas Carr Yoman, Robert Haetcale Yoman, John Chapman Yoman, Laurence Hille Yoman, Richard Gayteford and Richard Cokerell; for their traitourse offenses and transgressions afore declared, committed and doon ayenst the seid Astate, Coroune and Dignite of oure seid Soverayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth, stand and be convyc~ted of high Treason, and forfeit all the Castelles, Maners, Londes, Lordships, Ten~tes, Rentes, Services, Fees, Advousons, Hereditaments and Possessions, with their appurtenauncez, which they or any of theym had, of estate of enheritaunce, or any other to their or any of their use, hadde the seid iiiith day of Marche, or into which they, or any of theym aforeseid attaynted, or any other persone or persones, feoffes to the use or behofe of any of the seid persone or persones soo attaynted, had the same iiiith day of Marche, lawfull cause of entre, within Englond, Irlond or Wales, or Caleys, or in the Marches therof, oute of the Liberte of the Bisshoprike of Durham; that is to sey, betwene the waters of Tyne and Teese, and in the places called Norhamshire and Bedlyntonshire, within the Counte of Northumberland; in the which Libertee and places, the Bisshop of Durham and his predecessours, of tyme that no noo mynde is, have had roiall right and forfeiture of werre, in the right of the Chirch Cathedrall of Seint Cuthbert of Durham, as by concorde of Parlement in tyme of the noble progenitours of oure seid Soverayne Lord Kyng Edward the fourth hit hath been assented. And over that it be ordeyned, graunted and stablished, by the seid advis, assent and auc~torite, that every persone, by any Ac~te made in this present Parlement atteynted of Treason ayenst oure seid Liege and Soverayne Lord, forfett to the Reverende Fader in God Laurence nowe Bisshop of Durham, and to his successours, in the right of Chirch Cathedrall of Seint Cuthbert of Durham, all the Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, and other Possessions and Heritaments, with their appurtenaunces, which they, or any other to their or any of their use, have within the seid Libertee, that is to sey, betwixt the seid waters of Tyne and Teese, within the seid places called Norhamshire and Bedelyngtonshire, the seid iiiith day of Marche. - And also it is ordeyned and established in this present Parlement, by th'avis and assent of the Lordes Sp~uell and Temporell, and Commyns of this Reame, in the same Parlement assembled; that all Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Reversions, Possessions and other Inheritements, of which eny persone or persones afore named, by this present Ac~te attaynted, were seised, or had any astate, title, right, interesse or possession, sool by theym self, or joyntly with other, the fourth day of the seid moneth of Marche, to the use, profitte or behofe of any persone or persones by this present Ac~te not attaynted, be not forfeited nor forfeitable in any wise to the Kyng, nor to his Heires, nor to the seid Bisshop, nor to his successours, nor seisible into any of their handes by this present Ac~te, but utterly to be excepted and forprised oute of the same. And that all such estate, title, right, interesse and possession, which any of the seid persone or persones by this Ac~te atteynted, had the seid iiii day, in any Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritaments, to the use, profitte or behofe of any persone or persones by yis Ac~te not atteynted, growe, come and be, to every of the same persone or persones by this Ac~te not atteynted, and to their Heires: And in the same persone or persones, and their Heires be vested, and they therin be entitled in such wyse, fourme and maner, of estate, title, right and possession, as the seid persone or persones by this Ac~te attaynted, or any of theym, were seised, intitled or possessed of or in the same Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions or other Inheritements, or any of theym, to the use, profitte or behofe of any of the seid persons not attaynted by this Ac~te. And that all such such estate, title, right, interesse and possession, which any of the seid persones by this Ac~te attaynted, had the seid fourth day, in any Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Posessions or other Inheritements, joyntly with ant other persone or peresones by this Ac~te not attainted, to the use, profitte or behofe of any persone or persones by this same Ac~te not attaynted, growe, co~me and be, to the same persone or persones, with whome eny of the seid persone or persones in manere aforeseid attaynted, had such joynt estate, right, title, interesse or possession, the seid fourth day, and in theym be vested, and they therin sooly, withoute any of the seid persones soo attaynted, intitled, seised and possessed: And that it be leefull to every persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted, to whose use any of the seid persones in the forme aforeseid attaynted, had any astate, right, title, interesse or possession, in any Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions or other Inheritements, to entre into the same, into whos possession so ever they be seised or come, aswell uppon the possession of the Kyng oure Soverayne Lord, as uppon the possession of any other persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted; and theym have and enjoye, accordyng to the right, title, interesse and possession, which any persone or persones by this Ac~te attaynted had in the same, the seid fourth day, to ye use, profit or behofe of yeym aforesaid, or of eny of yeym aforesaid, by yis Ac~te not attaynted. And also that it be leefull to every persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted, with whome eny of the seid persones in manere aforeseid by this Ac~te attainted, had any joynt astate, right, title, interesse or possession, in any Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions or other Inheritements, the seid iiiith day, to the use, profit or behofe of eny persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted, to entre into the same Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, into whos possession so ever they be seised or come, aswell uppon the possession of the Kyng oure Soverayne Lord, as uppon the possession of any other persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted: and the same Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, in yeym be vested, and yey therin soly, without eny of the seid persones so attaynted, entitled and possessed. Savyng to every of the Kyngs Lieges, and their Heires, other then been attaynted by this Ac~te, and their Heires, claymyng any inheritaunce by theym or any of theym soo attaynted, their right, title and interesse, of and in all such Mamers, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and all other inheritements, of which any of the seid persones soo attaynted, was seised by them silf, or joyntly with other, in manere aforeseid, or in any other wise, to the use and behofe of any other persone or persones not attaynted by this Ac~te, the seid fourth day - And more over it is ordeyned and established, by the seid advis, assent and auc~torite, that every of the wyfes of every of the seid persone or persones nowe lyvyng, by this Ac~te atteynted, and every such woman as was the wyf of eny of the seid persones nowe dede, by this Ac~te attaynted, which wyfes or other wymmen were born under the obeisaunce of the Coroune of Englond, in any place oute of the Reame of Fraunce, and of the Duchie of Normandie, or born oute of this Reame, and laufully bigoten by any Englishman; after the deth of their Husbondes, frely enjoy, have and possede, all their owne inheritauncez, to theym and to their Heires, other than been attaynted by this Ac~te; And all Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, wherof they or any of theym, the seid fourth day of Marche, in any wise were seised or possessed, in their owne right, state or possessiuon, or joyntly with any of their seid Husbondes, or with any other persone or persones, or of which any persone or persones were seised to the use of any of the seid wymmen, after the forme and manere, and in lyke astate, as they or any of theym were entitled in the same, the seid fourth day; and that duryng their astates, hit be not seisible into the Kynges handes, nor the Kyng to be answered of any issuez and profittez therof, the same astates duryng, by reason of this Ac~te. And that it be leefull to every of the seid wyfes and wymmen, and to every of their Heires by this Ac~te not attaynted, to entre into the same Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, into whos possession so ever they be seased or come, aswell uppon the possession of the Kyng our Soverayn Lord, as uppon the possession of any other persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted; and theym and every of theym, hold and enjoy, to theym and to their Heires by this Ac~te not attaynted, accordyng to their title and interesse in the same. Savyng to every of the Kynges Lieges and their Heires, other then such as been attaynted by this Ac~te, and their Heires, enclaymyng any inheritaunce by theym or any of theym soo attaynted, or other havyng any title, right or interesse in any of the same Maners, Londes, Ten~tes and Possessions, or other Inheritaunce, to the use of any of theym soo attaynted, the title, right and interesse of the same Lieges and their Heires, of and in all such Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and all other Inhertiements, of which eny of the seid persones soo attaynted was seised by theym silf, or joyntly with other, the seid fourth day - And also it is ordeyned and established, by the seid advis, assent and auc~torite, that yf any of the seid persones by this Ac~te attaynted, have made any astate, feoffment or discontynuance, of any Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, wherof they or any of theym were seised or possessed in the right of any of their wyfes, at the tyme of such astates, feoffments or discontynuance made to eny persone or persones in any wise, that the seid Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and other Inheritements, be not comprised in this Ac~te, but utterly be excepted and forprised oute of the same: And that the right and title of every of the seid wyfes, of and in all such Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Possessions and Inheritements, be and rest in every of the seid wyfes, and they to be at her ac~tions and recoverees of the same, and every parcell therof, accordyng to the cours of the Commyn Lawe of Englond; this Ac~te, or any other Ac~te or Ordenaunce in this present Parlement made or to be made, notwithstondyng. - Savyng to every of the Kynges Lieges, and his Heires, other than the persones by this Ac~te attaynted, and their Heires, such right and title as as he had to his owne use, and not to the use of any of theym in manere aforeseid attaynted, or any of their Heires attaynted by this Ac~te, to any of the seid Castelles, Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Rentes, Services and other Premisses aforeseid, or into any parcell therof. - Savyng also to all the Kynges Lieges, and to their Heires, and to every of theym, other than such as been attaynted by this Ac~t, and their Heires, claymyng by discent by any of theym in manere aforeseid attaynted, such title, right, interesse and possession, as they or any of theym have, or the seid xxix of Decembr', or the seid fourth day of Marche, had in the premisses or any parcell therof, the seid Duchie of Lancastr', and every parcell and membre therof except, other than they or any of theym have, or the seid xxix day, or the seid fourth day of Marche, had in the premisses, or any parcell therof, to the use and behove of the seid persones in manere aforeseid attaynted, or any of theym, or to the use of the Heires of any of theym soo attaynted. - And also it is ordeyned more over, by the seid advis, assent and auc~torite, that all obligations made Statute Merchaunt, Statute of the Staple, or otherwise, suertees and reconysaunces made to any of the seid persones, in the forme aforeseid attaynted, to the use and behofe of any of the Kynges Lieges, other than any of theym in the forme aforeseid attaynted, or to the use or behofe of the Executours or Admynistratours of any persone now dede, not attaynted by this Ac~te, be availlable to theym, to whose use, profitte or behofe, the same obligations, suertees, and reconysaunces were made; and that noo right nor duetee growe to the Kyng, by reason of any such obligations, suerties or reconysaunces; but that they , to whose use, profitte or behofe, the same obligations, suretees and reconysaunces were made, have and pursue in their own names, to their profitte and availle, in all and every the Kynges Courts, all ac~tions, executions and recoverees, though they be not named in the same, in such manere and fourme, as though the same obligations, suertees, and reconysaunces were made to theym silf. And yf any obligations, suertees, and reconysaunces, were made to any of the seid persones soo attaynted, and to any other persone or persones by this Ac~te not attaynted, to the use or behofe of the same other persones, or any of the Kynges Lieges not named in this Ac~te; that than all actions, recoverees, suytes and executions, be had uppon such obligations, suertees and reconysauncez oonly, by the seid other persone or persones named in the same, not attaynted by this Ac~te, or by their Executours or Admynistratours, withouten namyng in the seid sutes, actions and executions; and that noo manere right nor duete growe to the Kyng, by reason of the seid obligations, suertees or reconysaunces. - Savyng to every of the Kynges Lieges bounden in any of the seid obligations, suertees and reconysaunces, their Heires, Executours and Admynystratours, and Terretenauntes, and every of theym, all manere ac~tions, sutes, plees and discharges, touchyng the same obligations, suertees and reconysaunces, as they or any of theym had the first day of this present Parlement. - Savyng also to every of the Kynges Lieges, and to their Heires, not attaynted, and to the Heires of every of theym, their right, title, possession and lawfull entre or entrees, in and to all Castelles, Honoures, Maners, Londes, Ten~tes, Avousons, and all other premisses, in manere aforrseid forfeited, and every of theym, of which they or any of theym were lawfully seised and possessed, and by the seid persone or persones in manere aforeseid attaynted, or any of theym, unlawfully disseised and put oute. - Also it is ordeyned, by the seid advis, assent and auctorite, that the Kyng oure Soverayne lord make under his Lettres Patentes sufficient and sure assignments uppon the same Londes and Lyveloode of the Lord Hungerford and Moleyns, that John Say, John Mervyn, Gregory Westby and other, wherein they had state, for the payment and contentation of such sommes of money, as to eny Marchaunt or Marchauntez, or other persone or persones of this londe, stondyng under the Kynges obeysaunce or his saveconduc~t, been due by the seid Lord Hungerford, for eny payments made afore this tyme for his fynaunce; and also CCCLVIII li XVI s III d 0b, yf the seid so~me can be proved due. - Qua quidem Cedula Communibus Regni Anglie in eodem Parliamento existen' transportata fuit: Cui iidem Co~es assensum suum prebuerunt sub hiis verbis. A cest Ac~te les Coez sount assentuz. Quibus quidem Cedula and assensu, in Parliamento predic~to lec~tis, auditis and plenius intellec~tis, de avisamento and assensu Dominorum Spiritualium and Temporalium in dic~to Parliamento existen', resondebatur eisdem sub hiis verbis. Le Roy le voet. - Provided alwey, that this present Ac~te or Atteyndre, extend not ne stretch, ne hurt ne be prejudiciall to John Neuburgh, in the Shire of Dorset Gentilman, nor to his Heires, of, to, or for the Maner of Sutton Poyntz with the appurtenauncez in the seid Shire of Dorset, nor any part therof; ne of, to, or for the Hundred of Colyfordestr', nor of, to, or for any part therof; nor of, to, or for any Landes and Ten~tes within Sutton Poyntz aboveseid, nor of, to, or for any part therof; nor of, to, or for the right, title, entre or possession of the seid John, the which he hath or had, to or yn the seid Maner, Hundred, Landes and Ten~tes, and every parcell therof; the which Maner, Hundred, Landes and Tenementes, James late Erle of Wilteshire, had by fyne resid' in the Courte of Henry, late ycalled Kyng Henry the sixt, Kyng of Englond in dede and not of right, to the seid James, and to the Heires of his body begoten; and for defaute of such issue, the remayndre to the seid John Newburgh, and to his Heires in fee for evermore. - [following are more documents referring to relels including one about Hardelagh] - see Rolls of Parliament Henry-6/V/480b.

PARLIAMENT:9 - 1464 Thomas Danyell - convic~tio sive attinc~tio certarum personarum - Memorand', quod quedam Cedula in p~gameno exhibita fuit coram Domino Rege, in presenti Parliamento, formam Convic~tionis tam Henrici nuper Ducis Somers' quam aliarum personarum super quibusdam Proditionibus, Transgressionibus, and Offensis proditoriis in eadem Cedula recitatis fibi impositus continens, sub hiis verbis sequentibus - The xx1 day of January, the yere of oure Lord mcccclxiiii, it is remembred, that Henry Beauford late Duc of Somerset, nowe dede, was for dyvers grete, cruell, and haynous offences by hym committed, declared and specified in an Ac~te made in the Parlement hold at Westm' the iiiith day of Novembr', the first yere of the reigne of oure Soverayn Lord Kyng Edward the iiiith, atteynted of Treason by the seid Ac~te, in maner and fourme as in the same Ac~te is conteyned. And that the haynousite, horribilite and crueltee of his offences in the Ac~te specified notwithstondyng, it pleased oure seid Soverayne Lord, rather of more joy enclyned to the pollicie of peas, unyte and rest of his Lande, then to motions of frealte in nature ayenst the seid Henry, in cause of his said offences, laboured hyn selfe into forgetilnes therof, and resceeyved and accepted hym to grace, by the meanes of his pretensed humblenes, mekenes and lowly suete, after that toke hym in favour and favourable chierte, shewyng unto hym bounteously and largely the pleintith of his good Lordship, and not oonly to hym, but his Servauntes, to th'entent that therby, of verray gentilnes and the noble honour that oweth to be grounded in every Gentilman, he shuld have been stablished in ferme feith and trouth unto his Highnes, accordyng to his seid duete of Ligeaunce: and of more habundant grace, by an Ac~te made in this present Parlement, by assent of the Lordes Spirituell and Temporell beyng in the same, and by auc~torite therof, restored hym to his name, state, stile, honour and dignite. And yet netherles the seid Henry, ayenst nature of gentilnes and all humanite, remaynyng secretly and fraudeulently in his old insaciate and cruell malice, to the subversion of the rightwis governaunce of this Lond, and to the destruction therof, sodenly by secrete and pryvate weyes, toke his viage prively oute of the parties of North Wales, unto he came into the Shire of Northumberlond, which Henry late called Kyng of Englond, the grete Ennemye and Adversarie of oure seid Soverayn Lord, kept traiterously and rebelliously the Kyng oure seid Soverayne Lordes Castels of Bamborough, Dunstanborough and Alnewyke; to the same Henry there adhered, and with hym confedered to the distruc~tion of oure seid Soverayn Lord by bataill; and to the same entent and effecte, at Exham in the seid Shire, the viii day of May, in the seid iiiith yere, rered werre ayenst oure said Soverayne Lord. And where Rauf Percy Knyght, after his long abode in Rebellion, was also by oure seid Soverayne Lord taken benignely unto his grace, resceyved after that grete b~nfittez of his Highnes, and taken in grete trust; yet netherles after that, unkyndely and falsely ayenst the duete of Liegeaunce, the seid Castels of Bamburgh and Dunstanburgh, to his kepyng delyvered by our seid Soverayne Lord, falsely and traiterously delyvered unto the seid Henry, the Kynges Ennemye; and after that, in the fest of Seint Marc the Evangelist, in the seid iiiith yere, at Heggelaymore in the seid Shire of Northumberlond, ayenst oure seid Soverayne Lord rered werre purposyng then and there his distruction. And where Humfrey Nevile Knyght, atteinted of Treason by the seid Ac~te made the iiiith day of Novembr' aforsaid, for the causes in the same Ac~te specified, was and abode after the same Atteyndre in prison in the Toure of London, in the kepyng of the Constable of the same Toure, brake the same prison, eskaped from thens into the seid Shire of Northumberlond, and there made commotion of people ayenst oure seid Soverayn Lord; It pleased not for that the Kyng oure seid Soverayn Lord, havyng respec~te to his birthe, uppon his lowely and humble sute made unto his Mageste Royall, to resceyve hym to grace, and by his L~res Patentes under his Grete Seall, to pardon unto hym all trespasses and other offences, accordyng to the tenour of the same L~res Patentes; the which and the grete and large bountie shewed unto hym right largely by oure seid Soverayn Lord, and also the trust that his seid Mageste toke hym in notwithstondyng, the same Humfrey, as an unkynde and innaturall man, and fals to his Liege Mageste, traiterously adhered unto the seid Henry late called Kyng, and with hym, and in his fals and usurped quarell, fro the first day of Aprill, the iiiith yere of the reigne of oure seid Soverayn Lord, at Bamburgh forseid, toke hoole and full parte, purposyng and ymagenyng there and then the distruc~tion of his moost noble persone, alteration and alienation of the D~nation of his said Reame, into the power and D~nation of the Ennemyes of oure seid Soverayne Lord. Item, where Henry Bellingham Knyght, atteinted of Treason by the seid Ac~te, made in the seid Parlement holden the seid iiiith day of Novembr, for dyvers causes in the same specified; It pleased the Kynges seid good grace, to graunte to him his L~res under the Grete Seall, of pardon of the same Treason, and of other offences. And that notwithstondyng, the same Henry Bellingham, and also Thomas Philip Knyght, William Lermouth late of Bamburgh in the Counte of Northumberlond Gentilman, Thomas Elwyk late of the same Gentilman, John Ratford late of the Shire of Lincoln Gentilman, John Purcas late of London Yoman, Philippe Castell late of Pembroke in South Wales Gentilman, Archebold Ridley late of Langley in the Counte of Northumberlond Gentilman, Gilbert Ridley late of the same Gentilman, Gawen Lampleugh late of Werkworth in the Counte of Northumberlond Gentilman, John a Whynfell late of Naward in the Counte of Cumberland Yoman, and Alisaundre Belingham late of Burnalshet in the Counte of Westmerl' Gentilman, the last day of May, in the seid iiiith yere, at Bamburgh and other places, many tymes synne, hath adhered unto the seid Henry called late Kyng, and hym assisted, socoured and helped, in his said fals and contrarious quarell, entendyng, purposyng and compassyng distruc~tion and deth of oure seid Soverayne Lord. Also where Edmond Beauford and John Beauford, brethren of the seid Henry Beauford, William Cary Knyght, otherwise called William Caree Knyght, John Gower late of Clopham in the Counte of Surr' Squier, John Yates late of Norwiche Gentilman, John Floril late of Cloford in the Counte of Somers' Gentilman, and Thomas Philipp late of Ree in the parish of Quyddesley in the Counte of Glouc', offended heretofore ayenst their Liege Magestie, after that they were accepted unto the Kynges grace, and gentilly, lawefully and rightwysly entreted, without rigour or violence. And yet netherles, of their mere and extreme malice, have by secrett, subtille and privat meanes, withdrawn theym oute of this Lond, adheryng unto Margaret late called Quene of Englond, and to her malicious, fals and traiterous opinyon, to the subversion and alteration of the seid D~nation, assentyng, purposyng, and ymagenyng therby the distruction of oure seid Soverayne Lord, and of this his Londe, and his Subgettes of the same. And where also William Stok, late of Warmyngton in the Counte of Norht Knyght, and Robert Myrfyn, late of Anesworth in the Counte of Kent Squier, to the same entent have adhered unto the seid Henry late called Kyng, and hym in his said fals and traiterous purpose, trayterously helped, comforted and assented, unto the distruc~tion of oure seid Soverayne Lord. Item, where Rouland Kirkeby, late of Urleston in Fourneis in the Shire of Lancastr' Gentilman, submittyng hymself to the Kyng oure Soverayn Lord Subget and Liegeman, sworn bodely so to persever and contynue; after that resorted to the seid Henry late called Kyng, and the seid Margaret, and them in their traitours and fals opynions aforseid favoryng, socoryng and maynteynyng, and contynuelly hedirto the same Henry resceivyng and kepyng fro place to place, and so abidith and remayneth in obstacie of malicious rebellion, purposyng, ymagenyng and compassyng withoute cessyng traiterously the fynall distruc~tion of oure seid Soverayn Lord, and the same alienation and alteration of the seid D~nation. And where Philip Mauncell, late of Oxenwiche in Gowers Land in South Wales Squier, Hopkyn ap Rys, late of the parish of Llanganalough in Gower aforesaid Gentilman, and Lewys ap Rethergh ap Rees, late of Estradeflere in the Counte of Kermerdyn in Walis, Munk, have ayenst their feith and Liegeaunce, the iiiith day of Marche, the first yere of the reigne of oure seid Soverayne Lord, and dyvers tymes synne, at a place called Dryffryn in Kermerdyn shire in South Wales, stured, laboured and provoked, Margaret late called Quene of Englond, Edward her son late called Prince of Wales, and Jasper late Erle of Pembroke, Rebelles and Ennemyes unto oure seid Soverayne Lord, to entre into his Reame of Englond, with grete bataille to arrere werre ayenst his estate within this seid Reame, to conquere the same from the possession and obeysaunce of oure seid Soverayn Lord, and to depose hym of his Roiall DEstate, Corone and Dignite, and to distroy his most moost noble Person and Subgettes. And also where the Kyng is lawfully and rightwisly entitled to the Castell of Hardlough, in the shire of Merionnyth in North Wales, and to have the possession, rule and governaunce therof, as parcell of his Principalte of Wales; David ap Jeuan ap Eyneon, late of Hardlough forseid Gentilman, and Reynold ap Gryffith ap Pletheu~ Gentilman, have with grete myght, contynually syn the seid iiiith day of Marche, the seid fyrst yere, hiderto traitorsly kept the same Castell oute of his possession, to th'entent that the seid Henry late called Kyng Henry the sixte, the Kynges grete Enemye and Rebelle, and the seid Margaret late called Quene of Englond, and Edward her son late called Prynce, and other the Kynges Enemyes, Rebelles and Traitours, shuld there have their entre into this Reame, to subdue hit oute of the Kynges posession, rule and governaunce, and to distroie his moost Roiall persone; and to the same effec~te, have not oonly there syn the seid iiiith day of Marche, made commotions and gaderynges ayensthis Estate, Corone and Dignite, but also traitoursly resceyved, kept and supported, Thomas Danyell Squier, and John Dowbegyng Gentilman, attainted of high Treason, and laboured, provoked and stered, the seid Henry, Margaret and Edward, and other the Kynges Ennemyes and Traytours, to have entred into this seid Reame - see Rolls of Parliament Henry-6/V/512a.

PARLIAMENT:10 - 1467 Casyn Danyell - amongst many similar entries for different people - Provided alwey, that neythir this Ac~te of Resumption, nor eny other Ac~te made or to be made in this present Parlement, be in eny wise hurt or prejudiciall to oure Oratrice Casyn Danyell, ne extend to a Graunte made by us unto her by oure Letters Patentes, of 1111d by the day by for terme of her lyfe, to be taken by the handes of oure Tresorer of Caleis for the tyme beyng, as in oure said Letters is expressed more at large: But that the same oure Letters, stond and abide in their strength and vertue; the said Ac~te of Resumption, or any other Ac~te, notwithstanding - see Rolls of Parliament Henry-6/V/601a.

PARLIAMENT:11 - 1474 Thomas Danyell - Pro Thoma Danyell - Memorand', quod eodem Sexto die Junii, quedam Petitio exhibita fuit prefato Domino Regi, in presenti Parliamento, per Thomam Danyel Armigerum, in hec verba - To the Kyng oure liege Lord; Mekely besecheth youre Highnes in the moost humble wyse, youre true Liegeman Thomas Danyell Squyer. For somoche as by force of an Ac~te made in youre Parlement holden at Westm', the iiiith day of Novembr', in the first yere of youre moost noble reigne, it was ordeyned, that the same Thomas, by the name of Thomas Danyell late of Rysyng in the counte of Norff' Squyer, shuld stond and be convic~te and atteynt of high Treason; and by force of the same Ac~te, the same Thomas to forfette to your Highnes, all Castelles, Maners, Londs, Lordshippes, Tenementes, Rentes, Services, Fees, Advousons, Hereditaments and Possessions, with their appurtenauncez, which the same Thomas had of estate of enheritaunce, or any other persone to his use had, the iiith day of March, the first yere of your moost noble reigne, or into which the same Thomas, or any persone or persones, feoffes to the use of the same Thomas, had the seid iiiith day of Marche lawfull cause of entree, within Englond, Irlond and Wales, or Caleis, or in the Marches therof: as in the same Ac~te more pleynly is conteigned. - That it please youre Highnes, in so moche as youre seid Suppliant is as repentant and soroufull as any Creature may be, of all that which he hath doon or committed to the displeasure of youre Highnes, contrary to the duetie of his Liegeaunce, and is, and perseverantly shal be to You, Soverayn Lord, true, feithfull and humble Subget and Liegeman, in wille, worde and dede; of your moost habundaunt grace, by th'advis and assent of the Lordes Spirituelx and Temporelx, and the Commens, in this present Parlement assembled, and by auc~torite of the same Parlement, to ordeyn, establish and enac~te, that the seid Ac~te, and all Ac~tes made in the seid Parlement holden at Westm', the seid iiiith day of Novembr', ayenst the seid Thomas, by what name or names he be called or named in the same Ac~te or Ac~tes, be voide, and of noo force nor effect ayenst the same Thomas and his heires, and the feoffes to his use, in or by reason of any of the premisses: And that the same Thomas and his heires, and all such as were feoffes to his use, have, possede, enherite, and clayme all the seid Castelles, Maners, Londes, Lordships, Tenementes, Rentes, Services, Fees, Advousons, Hereditaments and Possessions, which came to youre possession by reason of the said forfaiture and atteyndre, and theym enjoye, in like maner and fourme, as the same Thomas, and his heires or feoffes to his use as is abovesaid, shuld have doon or had, yf the same Ac~te or Ac~tes never had been made; and that the same Ac~te or Ac~tes, be in noo wise prejudiciall ne hurtfull to the same Thomas, ne to his heires nor feoffes aforesaid, nor to any of theym, of, in, and for any of the same forfaitures. And that by the said auc~torite, the same Thomas, and his heires and feoffes aforesaid, have, hold, possede, clayme, and enherite all the seid Castelles, Maners, Londes, Lordships, Tenementes, Rentes, Services, Fees, Advousons, Hereditaments and Possessions, with their appurtenauncez, so forfetted and comen to youre possession as is abovesaid, which come to youre handes by reason of the seid Ac~te or Ac~tes made ayenst the seid Thomas, into which the same Thomas, or any feoffe to his use, atte tyme of the seid Ac~te or Ac~tes made, had laufull cause of entre, and into theym, aswell uppon youre possession. Soveraigne Lord, as uppon the possession of any other persone, to entree, without suyng of theym or any of theym oute of youre handes by Petition, Lyvere or otherwise; and theym to have, hold, enherit and enjoy, in like maner, forme and use, as the same Thomas, or he and his heires and feoffes aforesaid, shuld have had or doon, yf the seid Ac~te or ac~tes never had been made ayenst the said Thomas: Savyng to every of youre Liege people and their heires, and eche of theym, such ac~tion, right, title, possession and lawfull enteresse, of and in the premisses or any part of theym, as they or any of theym had the said iiiith day of Marche, or any tyme sith, or yet have, other than by youre Graunte and Letters Patentes made by reason of the said Ac~te of forfeiture; and that all Offices founden of the premisses or of any of theym, and all Letters Patentes made by youre Highnes to any persone or persones of any of the premisses, by reason of force of the said Ac~te of forfeiture, be voide, and of noo force ne effect. - And that it be ordeyned by the same auc~torite, that no persone or persones, which have afore the xiith day of Julii, in the xiiii yere of youre reigne, and after the seid iiiith day of Marche, taken any issues or profittes of any of the premisses, or any goodes which were the seid Thomas, and graunted to theym by youre Highnes by youre commaundement by mouth or otherwise by any of youre warrants, sithen the sais Ac~te or Ac~tes made, be therby not empeched, ne chargeable to the seid Thomas, his heires, ne to any other feoffe or feoffes to the use of the same Thomas, by way of Ac~tion or otherwise. - Provided alwey, that noo persone or persones atteynted, nor their heires, have, take, or enjoye any avauntage, benefice or profitte, by this present Ac~te, but oonly the seid Thomas and his heires, and the feoffes to the use of the same Thomas, for and in the premisses oonly which the same feoffes had to the use of the same Thomas, the seid iiiith day of Marche or any tyme sith. - And it is ordeyned by the seid auc~torite, that this Ac~te be in no wise prejudiciall or hurt to the Dean and Chanons of Seint Stephen in Westm', nor to their successours, in any maner or fourme: And he shall ever pray God for the preservation of your moost roiall astate. - Qua quidem Petitione in Parliamento predic~to lec~ta, audita and plenius intellec~ta, de avisamento and assensu Dominorum Spiritualium and Temporalium, ac Communitatis Regni Anglie, in dic~to Parliamento existen', necnon auc~toritate ejusdem Parliamenti, respondebatur eidem in hec verba. - Soit fait come il est desire - Responsio - see Rolls of Parliament Edward-4/VI/104a.

PARLIAMENT:12 - 1485 William Danyell - William Danyell in list of names in document written in latin - concerned with a land dispute in Dorset - see Rolls of Parliament Henry-7/VI/323a.

PARLIAMENT:13 - 1485 William and Elizabeth Danyell - Elizabeth Danyell, wife of William Danyell, was daughter and heiress of Edmond Fysh, late of York, tailor - the assets held by Edmond Fysh on on the 4th March in the first year of Edward 4 had been forfeited by Act of Parliament on the 4th November in that year - these assets were restored to William and Elizabeth Danyell from the Feast of St Michael last past - see Rolls of Parliament Henry-7/VI/326a.