DANYELLs in the Paston Letters
- 1447 Thomas Danyell - Edmund Paston to John Paston - .... I yave him this counsell, and noon othir. He enqueryd me of the rewle of myn master Danyell and myn Lord of Suffolk, and askyd wheche I thowte schuld rewle in this schere; and I seyd bothe, as I trowh, and he that survyvyth to hold be the vertue of the survyvyr, and he to thanke his frendes, and to aquite his enmyys. So I fele by him he wold forsake his master, and gette him a newh yf he wyste he schuld rewle; and so wene I meche of all the contre is so disposed. .... - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/80/69 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 1/147/79.
- 1448 ?/4 Thomas Danyell - Margaret Paston to John Paston - ... And twchyng other tydyngys, I sopose Jon of Dam shal send yw word in a letter. As it is told me veryly, Heydon shal not kom at London this term. - It is seyd in this contre that Danyell is owth of the Kyngys gode grase, and he shal dwn and all hys mene and all that ben hys wele wyllers; there shal no man ben so hardy to don nother seyn ayens my lord of Sowthfolk nere non that longyth to hym; and all that han don and seyd ayens hym, they shul sore repent them ... I pray yw that ye wyl vwche-save to send wurd hw ye spede in ywr mater twchyng Gressam, and hw Danyel is in grace ... I pray yw that I may ben recommawdyd to my lord Danyel ... - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/86/75 - see Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century edited by Norman Davis 1/222/128. - see Add MSS 34888 folio 18.
- 1449 Thomas Danyell - Margaret Paston to John Paston ... Wyndham hath medyd the juryorys .... He is wode wroth that Danyel is amrel, for it is told me that on of his men is indytyd in the amrellys cort sythyn that Danyel was made amerel ... - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/202/165 - see Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century edited by Norman Davis 1/234/134.
- 1449 25/5 Thomas Danyell - Robert Wenyngton to Thomas Daniel - To my Reverend Mayster, Thomas Danyell, Squier for the Kyng's Body, be thys letter delyverrd in haste - Most reverend mayster, I recomaund me on to yowr graceus maystreschup, ever deseryng to her of yowr wurschupfull ustate, the whyche All myghte God mayntayne hyt, and encrese hyt on to hys plesans: Plesyng yow to know of my wellfare, and of all yowr men, at the makyng of thys letter, we wer in gode hele of body I blessyd be God. - Mo over, mayster, I send yow word, by Rauly Pykeryng, of all maters, the whyche I be seche yow yeve hym credens, as he wyll enforme yow of all; so, sur, I beseche yow, in the reverens of God, that ye wyll enforme owr Soverayn Lord the Kyng of all maters that I send yow in thys letter, lyke as I have send a letter to my Lord Chaunseler and to all my Lordys by the said Pykeryng; the whyche letter I beseche yow that ye take and delyver to my Lord and all my Lordys by yowr awne handys, and lete sayd Pykering declare all thyngs as he hath sayn and knoweth. - Furst, I send yow word that when we went to see, we toke ii scyppys of Brast comyng owte of Flaundrys; and then after, ther ys made a great armyng in Brytayne to mete with me and my felyschyp, that ys to say, the grete schyp of Brast, the great schyp of the Moleys, the grete schyp of Vanng, with other viii schyppis, bargys, and balyngers, to the number of iii ml [3000] men; and so we lay in the see to me[te] with them. - And then we mette with a flotte of a c [100] grete schypps of Pruse, Lubycke, Campe, Rastocke, Holond, Selond, and Flandres, betwyte Garnyse [Guernsey] and Portland; and then I cam abord the Admirall, and bade them stryke in the Kyngys name of Englond, and they bade me skyte in the Kyngs name of Englond; and then I and my feleschyp sayd, but [unless] he wyll streke don the sayle, that I wyld over sayle ham by the grace of God, and God wyll send me wynd and wether; and dey bade me do my wurst, by cause I had so fewe schypps and so smale, that they scornyd with me. And as God wuld, on Fryday last was, we had a gode wynd, and then we armyd to a number of ii ml [2000] men in my felyschyp, and made us redy for to over sayle them, and then they lonchyd a bote, and sette up a stondert of truesse, and com and spake with me. And ther they were yolded all the hundret schyppys to go with me in what port that me lust and my felawys; but they faothe with me the day before, and schotte atte us a i ml [1000] gonnys, and quarell owte of number, and have slain meny of my felyschyp, and meymyd all soo. Wherfor me thyngkyt that they haye forfett bothe schypps and godys at our Soverayn Lord the Kyngys wyll. Besechyng yow that ye do yowr parte in thys mater, for thys I have wrytyn to my Lord Chaunseler [John Stafford, Archbishop of Canterbury] and all my Lordys of the Kyngys Counsell; and so I have brofte them, all the c [100] shyppys within Wyght, in spyte of them all. - And ye myght gete leve of owr Soverayn Lord the Kyng to com hydder, hyt schall turne yow to grete wurschup and profett, to helpe make owr a poyntement in the Kyngs name, for ye sawe never suche a syght of schyppys take in to Englond this c. wynter; for we ly armyd nyght and day to kepe them, in to the tyme that we have tydengs of our Soverayn and hys counsell. For truly they have do harme to me, and to my feleschyp, and to yowr schyppys more [than] ii m li [£2000 or £3000] worth harme; and therfor I am avesyd, and all my feleschyp, to droune them and slee them, withoute that we hafe tydyngs from owr Soverayn the Kyng and hys counsell. And therfor, in the reverens of God, come ye yowr self, and ye schall have a grete avayle and wurschup of yowr comyng to see a suche syght, for I der well sey that I have her at this tyme all the cheff schyppys of Duchelond, Holond, Selond, and Flaundrys, and now hyt wer tyme for to trete for a fynell pese as for that partyes. - I writ no more to yow at this tyme, but All myghty Jesus have yow in hys kepyng. I writ in hast, within Wyght, on Soneday at nyght after the Ascencion of owr Lord. - By yowr owne Servant, Robert Wenyngton. - [note says that on 3rd April 1449 royal letters were issued in favour of Robert Wynnyngtone of Devonshire, who was bound by indenture to do the King service on the sea 'for the cleansing of the same, and rebuking of the robbers and pirates thereof, which daily do all the noisance they can' see Stevenson's Letters and Papers illustrative of the War of the English in France i 489] - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/103/90 - see Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century edited by Norman Davis 3/68/968.
- 1450 22/4 Thomas Danyell - Lord Scales to John Paston - Right t[r]usty and enterly welbeloved frend, I grete you welle, and wyll ze wite that a man of Osberd Monford hath declared me how the said Osberd is infourmed that Danyelle shuld be pourposed to enter in the place of Braystone. And as fer as I can undirstande, Danyelle is come in to this cuntre, for none other cause but for to have suche as the Kyng hath gifen hym in Rysyng, which lieth not in me ner in none of the Kynges subgectes to go ageyns hise graunte and plesaunce. And in cas the said Danyelle wold enter upon the said Osberd otherwise than lawe wold, seyng the said Osberd is my tenaunt and homager, it is my part to holde with hym rather than with Danyelle in hise right, which I wylle do to my pouer. And as zet I can not apperceyve that Danyelle wylle labore in any maters in this cuntre; and if he wylle be of good governaunce, I am wel paied. And in cas that he wold do wrong to the lesse gentilman in the chirre, it shal not lye in hise pouer be the grace of God. He letethe me wite that he wylle be wel governed in tyme commyng. - Right trusty and enterly wel beloved frend, I pray God have you in hise governance. Written at Midelton, the xxii day of April. Scales. - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/137/108 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/34/449.
- 1450 13/5 Thomas Danyell - Thomas Denys to John Paston - I recommaund me unto your good maistership; and as for tidings, Arblaster come home to my Lord [John Vere, Earl of Oxford] on Munday, at sopertyme; and my Maister Danyell is Styward of the Duche of Lancastre by yonde Trent, and Arblaster seith he hath made me his undirstyward. ... My lord wole not to Leicestre. My Maister Danyell desireth yow thedir. I shal ride thiderward on Friday by tymes. ... - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/150/123 - see Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century edited by Norman Davis 2/37/452.
- 1450 4/10 Thomas Danyell - Thomas Denys to John Paston - To my maister Paston in hast. - Right worshipfull and my right good maister, I recommaund me to you. And like you wete that it is now .. I haf for Danyels sake put my self withynne the maner of Rydon; and her is with me a kynnesman [of] my mastres your wife's, John Bendyssh. And as yestirday cam John Wodehous with xii hors to Geyt[on]; on the othre side cometh Fitz William with xx hors; and on the third parte, oon Hoberd of Midelton hath redy a xx felaws; and on the fourth parte stant the toune of Lynne redy with Herry Wodehous; and thei all be gon thedir this nyght. This day folwyng cometh to thaym Henry Tudenham, William Narburgh, Thomas Trusbut, Thomas Kervile, and Shuldham servauntez, Salesbury and William Owayn. It is that of my lorde [the Earl of Oxford] gete I no socour, and lever I had to dy than gif up the place sith I am ther yn. .... - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/173/141 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/45/459.
- 1450 6/10 Thomas Danyell - William Wayte to John Paston - ....Sir, labour ze for [to] be knyth of the shire, and speke to my Mayster Stapulton [Sir Miles Stapleton] also that he be yt; Sir, all Swafham, and they be warned, wyll zeve yow here yoyses. Sir, speke with Thomas Denys, and take hese good avys therin. Sir, speke to Denys that he avoyde hys garyson atte Rydon, for there is non other remedy but deth for Danyell, and for all thos that arne indyted. Sir, labour ze to the Meyer that John Dam or William Jenney be burgeys for the cetye of Norwych .... - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/176/142 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/48/460.
- 1450 ? Danyell - John Paston to ? - .... More over, that ye will tell Cledero that I am not seker that the frere laborith thus, but be talis of freris and odir; nevertheles let him writh to his master that [for] whatsomevyr he do herin, he shall be truly content for his labor and costes. And if ye think that Cledro will writh effectually herin, geff hym j. noble [bid] hym let his master know that my Lord of Wynchester [William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester] and Danyell owe godwill to the part that he shall labor for. .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner /6/35/967 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 1/55/37.
- 1450 Robert Ledham - Fastolf to Sir Thomas Howys - Ledham associated with Lord Cromwell but not looking after his interests - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/197/162.
- 1451 Thomas Danyell - Abstract of memoranda for prosecutions - [when it was propsed to indict Tudenham and Heydon] - .... Item, to indyte a cowper at Geyton wheche slow a tenaunt of Danyell at Geyton. Hese name is Thomas Dowce that was slayn; and ther kan no man indyte hym, for Sir T Todenham maynteynyth hym, and therfore he were worthy to be indyted as excercary. .... - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/214/175 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/526/880.
- 1451 Thomas Danyell - Abstract of memoranda for prosecutions - [when it was propsed to indict Tudenham and Heydon] - ....two lists of names - maters sterid to hurt of both parties; Sir John Fastolf, Bisshoppis Wif, The Priour of Norwich, The Cite, The Abbot of Wendlyng, The Cite, The Abbot of Leiston, William Jeney, Gregory Guybon, ? Perpoynt, John Tatleshale, Robert mortymer, The Lady Bardolf, Sir John Fastolf, The Lord Moleyns, John Paston - Ambidexter [term applied to a juror who receives money of both parties in a suit] Dux Norff, Dux Suff, Ed Wynter, John Mariot, Ferrers, Hobbes Wif, Prior Walsyngham, Ric Doget, Mondford, Danyell, Sir John Curson, Maister John Selet, Sir John Curson, William Thurton - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/214/175 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/528/880.
- 1451 Robert Ledham - Sir John Heveningham to Margaret Paston - concerning his cousin who is with Robert Ledham and would prefer to be with Margaret Paston - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/237/191.
- 1451 18/12 Thomas Danyell - Richard Southwell to John Paston - to my mastir, John Paston, esquier. - Right worshippful sir, I recomaunde me unto you. And please it you to witte of oure newe tydinges here; as this day com writing both to my Lorde [John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk] and to my Lady from London, that there be certain lettres directed to my Lorde from my Lady his moder, and diverse other Lordes for to have Danyell in his favour a geyne, and as it is supposed by the meanes of the Duc of Somersette, for he hath ben right conversaunte with hym all this quarter of this yere. And also thei that sente this writing sayn playnly that the Lorde Skales is gode lorde to hym, and that he hath promysed hym to make Sir Thomas Tudenham, Heydon, and hym accorded, and other men in the cuntre, and that he shall be suffred to entre in to Brayston, and kepe it to th'entente that the cuntre shall thinke, and my Lord also, that he hathe grete favour amonge the Lordes of the Counsell, and cause men to fere hym the more. Whethir it be thus or non I can not say; never the lesse me thinketh ye shall sone knowe if Mountford will agree that he shall entre in to Brayston, and if that be trewe, all the remenant shall the seme more likly. - I pray you brenne this letter when ye have redde it. My Lorde and my Lady sayn ye shall be right welcome and ye will se theym this Crisemasse. I reporte me to your wisdom, and God have you in his keping. Writen at Framlyngham, the xviii day of December. Ric Southwell - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/254/206 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/76/483.
- 1451 3/6 Richard Southwell - ... Als for tydyngys, we have none gode in this contre; I pray God send us gode. Itt was told me that Richard Sowthwell hath enterid in the manere of Hale, the whiche is the Lady Boysys, and kepyth itt wyth strength wyth seche anothere felashep as hath be att Brayston, and wastyth and dispoylyth all that ther is. And the Lady Boys, as it is told me, is to London to conpleyn to the Kyng and to the lordys there-of ... - letter to John Paston from Margaret Paston - Add MSS 34888 folio 72 - see Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century edited by Norman Davis 1/241/140.
- 1451 3/6 Richard Southwell - Margaret Paston to John Paston - Richard Southwell occupying Hale (belonging to Lady Boys) and Brayston manors - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/247/197.
- 1451 18/12 Thomas Danyell - Richard Southwell to John Paston written at Framlyngham - Right worshippful sir, I recommaunde me unto you. And please it you to write of oure newe tidyinges here; as this day com writing both my Lorde (John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk married to Ellenor daughter of William Bourchier) and to my Lady from London, there be cerein lettres directed to my Lorde from my Ladye his moder (Catherine daughter of Ralph Earl of Westmoreland), and diverse other Lordes for to have Danyell in his favour a geyne, and as it is supposed by the meanes of the Duc of Somersette, for he hath ben right conversaunte with hym all this quartere of this yere. And also thei that sente this writing csayn playnly that the Lord Skales is gode lorde to hym, and that he hath promysed hym to make Sir Thomas Tudenham, Heydon, and hym accorded, and other men in the centre, and that he shall be suffred to entre in to Brayston, and kepe it to th'entente that the centre shall thinke, and my Lord also, that he hathe grete favour amonge the Lodes of the Counsell, and cause men to fere hym the more.
Whethir it be thus or non I can not say; never4 the lesse me thinketh ye shall sone knowe if Mountford will agree that he shall entre in to Brayston, and if that be trewe, all the remenant shall seem the more likly. - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/254/206.
- 1452 Thomas Danyell - Abstract of memoranda in William Worcester's handwriting, of which the principal contents are: .....anno xxviii Durante illo Parliamento intravit T Daniell manerium de Braydeston .... Mundford and Heydon entered Braysto[ne] on the eve of the Nativity of St Mary anno 29 (7 September 1450) . Thomas Danyell entered Braydeston a second time 30 Henry 6. ...Between Michaelmas 30 and 31 Henry 6 (1451 and 1452) Norfolk, Oxford, Scales, and a great number of others were at Norwich holding sessions. The same year 'John P' was with John, Earl of Oxford, at Whevenho on the Nativity of St Mary (8 September). The same year, before all these things, Thomas Danyell was married at Framlyngham. .... - from the Paston MSS at the British Museum (probably MS ADD 27443 folio 108) - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/145/119.
- 1452 8/1? Thomas Danyell - Letter in English from Lord Scales to Sir John Falstolf, asking him to withdraw an outlawry which had been issued against John Dowebegyng, servant of the former, for a debt of £100 due to Falstolf by Thomas Danyell Esq, for which Dowebegyng had become bound. Signed by Lord Scales, who adds a postscript in his own hand that Fastolf has been as faithful and kind to him since he came into England as he was in France, and that there is no one of his estate for whom he would do so much. - Right worshipfull fader, I recommaunde me vnto you. And where as my seruant John Dowebygyng stondeth bounden vnto you be obligacion in the svmme of c li for Thomas Danyell, esquier, and nothing for his owne dute; and also the seid Thomas stondes condempned vnto you in the seid summe, or ellis in a grete partye therof, which summe the seid Thomas hath payed vnto oon Thomas Hoo, to the'entente that he shuld haue payed in vnto you. And after thys it was agreed be your counceill to take the seide Thomas Hoo for your dettour of the seid summe. And thys notwithstanding, such as ben of youre counceill, of verey pure malice, haue oulawed my seid seruant, so that he may not attende vpon such matewrs as I haue geven hin in comandement to execute. - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/82/72 - see Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century edited by Norman Davis 3/143/1014.
- 1452 1/4 Thomas Danyell - Osbert Mundford to John Paston - Right worshipful Sir, and my Right gode Maister, I Recommaunde to yow with al myne hert. Plese yow that I have understanden that Daniel hath entred in to Brayston, and put owte my servantes and dispoiled my godes, notwithstandinge I am here in the Kinges service and under his proteccion, which was shewed him; for the whiche owtrage I write to the King at this tyme and to other my gode lordes, for to be kepte in my pocession, and to be restored again to my godes. And if so be that I may not have my pocession ayene and be restored to my godes as I desire, I wol take an accion be your avis of forsable entre in my name and my wifes for owre title etc, and an accion of trespasse for dispoiling of my godes ayenst him and al tho that were helpionge or consenting therto, etc, and assisse of a novel Disseson in my sonnes name, Johan of Berney, for to trye the title and ende debate with Goddes help and youres, etc; for the whiche matere I write unto my fader, to myne Eme [uncle] Adam, to my Cosyn Fyncheham, to Edmond Piers, and to other divers of my frendes to be my helpers in these mater in myne absence. For I may not come nor I wol not come, though I shulde lese al Brayston, and it were myne, considering that the enemyes drawen dailly hedirward, as it is openly said, etc. Wherfore I praye yow, as my ful trust is in yow, to tendre this matere in myne absence. And that it shal plese yow to recommaund me to my worshipful maistresse and gossip, your wif. And my maistresse recommaundes her unto yow, and to her worshipful nece, and to al youres. Prayinge Almighty God to have yow in his kepinge and sende yow right gode lif and longe, after your awne hertes desire. And, Sir, if it plese yow to come to Calais with the king, ye shul have a stope of bere to comforte yow after your travaille of the see. And if there be any service that ye wol commaund me to do for you here, ye shul fynde me your owne man. Written in Calais, the 1xth day of Feverse, etc - Your awnr seruant, Osberne Mundeford - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/256/208 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/78/485.
- 1452 Roger Chirch - The Sheriff of Norfolk (John Clopton) to the King and Council - concerninmg testimony by John Falyate saying that Roger Church had lied and describing how Church had involved him in a gathering of 15 people - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/263/214.
- 1452 14/5 Thomas Danyell - John Osbern to John Paston - .... I pray your maisterchep to know that on Fryday in the afftyr none I spak with my lord of Norwiche in hese chamber more than the spave of j owre and ther I dede to hym myn erand that ye commaunded me for to a do to chalanches, and when my lord woost that ye were to London he was right sory that he had not a spoke wyth yow or that ye reden; he told me that he had iii letters from my lord of Norffolk the day before. Alle I wet wel were they not for yowre mater of Charlys Nowell. Aftyer that he had told me of these letteris he askid me how ye dede. I sayde wel, for I trostid to my lord of Norffolkis lordchep and ritewesnesse that he wold see that Charles shuld be sharply correctyd for hese trespasse and mysrewle, or ellis the jentelmen of the shire must be giddyer purvey anodyer meane; and he seid it wold never odyerweyse be, but if he had spoke wyth yow or ye redyn to London he hopid be your avys he shuld a perveyd a meane to a set that in correccion, and also the trobyl for the maner of Brayston, for that was cause of all. For he seide he had spoke wyth my lord Skales and he is wel disposid to yow and vn the best wyse and wel do ... yow that he can, so that he wold forsake Danyell. This was seyde in a diswere, savyng he told me he must ... pleayne he told me many more thyngges and tales I pray you of your maistechep hold me excusid that I wryte hem [not], but they were not alle of gret substans, etc. I had gret cher, he comaunded me to be had into the seler, and for to drynk wyne and ale bothe; and so I had and goode chere. .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/265/215 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/81/487.
- 1452 Robert Ledham - Information on Outrages - Robert Ledham gathered at his house Charles Nowel, Otywell Nowel, John son of Hogge Ratkleff, Robert Dallyng, Henry Bangge, Roger Cherche, Nicholas Goldsmyth, Robert Taylor, Christofer Grenescheve, ? Dunmowe, Elis Dokworth, Christofer Baradle, and Jon Cokkow and other misruled people - they attacked servants of Bishop of Norwich in church at Brylyngham during mass - attacked John Paston and servants at Norwich - attacked Philip Berney and his men, Edmond Brome gentleman, John Wylton, John Coke, Kateryn Wylton, Thomas Baret, Alredis son of Erll Some - got Roger Church to instigate a rising in hundred of Blofield and then blame others - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/267-71/217.
- 1452 31/3 Roger Church - A petition to the Lord Chancellor - Please it yowre gode Lordeshep to know that oon Roger Cherche, other wyse callyd Roger Bylaugh, Roger Wryte, anf Roger Baly, late was a gaderyng and assemble of xv persones in a feleshep under a wopde in the town of Possewyke, in the counte of Norffolk, which feleshep, as it is seid be hem, was procured and gaderyd be the seid Roger Cherche and be his councelores, the same Roger seyng to summe of the same feleshep, he had remembred a gode name for her capteyn, that shuld be John Amend Alle; and the seyd Roger aftyr the seyd gaderyng aggreyd hym self to be take and examyned be persones of his own covyne, and be color of his seid feleshep of xv persones be hym gaderyd, enbilled divers gentilmen, and many thryfty and substanciall yomen, and thryfty husbondes, and men of gode name and fame, nosyyng and diffamyng to the Kyng and his Councell that the seid gentilmen, yomen, and thryfty husbondes, with other, to the nombre of ccc persones, shuld have mad a gaderyng and a risyng ageyn the Kynges peas under the seid wode, contrary to the trought; which is veryly conceyved to be don of malyce to put the seid gentilmen and yomen in feer and trobill that thei as wele as alle the contre shuld not be hardy to attempt, ne lette the purposyd malyce of the seid Cherche and his councellores in divers riottes, extorciouns, forcibil entreys and unlawfull disherytauns of gentilmen and other of the Kynges lege peple in the seid shire that thei dayly use, which riottes, extorcions, aswele as the seid untrewe diffamacions, causyth gret grudgyng, trobill, and comocyon in the seid shire. .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/271/218.
- 1452 Thomas Danyell - Parties in Norfolk - notes for a petition to the Lord Chancellor - .... Item, be the demenyng of the seyd secionys was verily conseyvid be the jantylmen of the shyer that it was set of purpose to have, be indytements, defowlyd seche personys as wer of the old counseyl with the seid Lord, and seche as kepe Wodhows lond, or seche as help or confort Osbern Munford, marschale of Kalys, in his rygth of the maner of Brayston, of whiche he is now late wrongfully dyssesyd, and generally to have hurt all other that wold not folwe the oppynyons of the seyd new cownseyll; whiche malysiows purposid oppynyon the jantylmen of the seid shyer that wer sworyn att the seyd sescions kowd not fynde in her conciens to observe, but dede the contrarye as it apperyth be here verdyte if itt be shewyd, etc. Remembre the verdyt of Brayston, etc. - And wherew on Roger Chirche, wyth on Robert Ledham, Charlys Nowell, John son of Hodge Ratcleff, and on Robert Dallyng had the rewle and kepyng of the seid maner of Brayston to the use of Thomas Danyell after the dyssesing of the seyd Osbern Monford, the seid Roger be the comon ascent of his seyd felashep, be the colowre of xv personys gadderid be the exitation of the seyd Roger Chyrche and his felashep, accusid many notable and thryfty men that were well willid to the seyd Munford for the seid maner of Brayston, to be ryseris, wher as the seyd thrifty men, as well as all that contre, hath at all tymys be pesyble and of no seche disposicion: It was purposid after the seid sescions, when the intents of the seyd new cownseyl mygth not be executyd be indytements, than to have had the seyd Roger Chirche owte of the Kyngs gayle, seying that he shuld appele for the Kyng, and wold have do the sheryff delyverid hym owt of prison, howbeit he was comyttyd thidder be the justyse of assyse and gayle delyvere be cawse he was indyted of fellonye, and that ther apperid not suffycient inquest to delyver hym. - Item, day seth thei labour feynid materis to hurt jentilman and odir be soch acusements, etc - Memorandum, as itt semyth be the confescion of dyvers of the seid xv poersonys tghat thei were innocent and knew not whi thei assemblyd but only be the exitacionh of the seyd Chirche and his menys, and after the tyme of that they conseyvid itt was do to no good intent, thei never medillid forther in the mater. Item, to rembre how suttely the seyd Chirche was, be his owyn assent, led to my Lord of Norffolk be his owyn felashep to the entent to accuse and defame seche as they lovyd not. - Memorandum, of the sescion at Norwich. Memorandum, of my Lord of Somerset and of the Blak frers. - Memorandum, that Charlys Nowell is baly of Brayston, and hath ther iid on the day, and of that mater growyth his malys. - Item, memorandum of them that for fer of disclosid of her falsenes acusid odyr that they shuld not be thowth gilti hemself, and labour to have the mater handlid be her frends that the trowth shuld not be triid owt. - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/274/219 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 1/72-3/46.
- 19/1 1454 Thomas Danyell - Newsletter of John Stodeley - As touchynges tythynges, please it you to wite that at the Princes [Prince Edward born 13/10/1453] comyng to Wyndesore, the Duk of Buk [Buckingham] toke hym in his armes and presented hym to the Kyng in godely wise, besechyng the kyng to blisse hym; and the Kyng yave no maner answere. Natheless the duk abode stille with the Prince by the Kyng; and whan he coude no maner answere have, the Queen come in, and toke the Prince in hir armes and presented hym in like forme as the Duke had done, desiryng that he shuld blisse it; but alle their labour was in veyne, for they departed thens without any answere or countenaunce savyng only that ones he loked on the Prince and caste doune his eyene ayen, without any more. - Item the Cardinalle [John Kemp Archbishop of canterbury] hathe charged and commaunded alle his servauntz to be redy with bowe and arwes, swerd and bokeler, crossebowes, and alle other habillementes of werre, suche as thei kun medle with to awaite upon the saufgarde of his persone. - Item, th'erle of Wiltshire and the Lord Bonvile have done to be cryed at Taunton in Somerset shire, that every man that is likly and wole go with theym and serve theym, shalle have vid every day as long as he abidethe with theym. - Item, the Duk of Excestre in his own persone hathe ben at Tuxforthe beside Dancastre, in the north contree, and there the Lord Egremond mette hym, and thei ii ben sworne togider, and the Duke is come home agein. - Item, th'erle of Wiltshire, the Lord Beaumont, Poynynges, Clyfford, Egremond, and Bonvyle, maken all the puissance they kan and may to come hider with theym. - Item, Thorpe of th'escheker [a baron of Exchequer] articuleth fast ayenst the Duke of York, but what his articles ben it is yit unknowen. - Item, Tresham [a note says that Sir Thomas Tresham was attainted under Edward 4, for fighting on the Lancastrian side at Towton, but his attainder was afterwards reversed in Parliament 7 and 8 Edward 4, on the ground that he was a household servant of Henry 6 and had been brought up in his service from a child - Rolls of Parliament V 616-7], Josep, Danyelle, and Trevilian have made a bill to the Lordes, desiryng to have a garisone kept at Wyndesore for the saufgarde of the Kyng and of the Prince, and that they may have money for wages of theym and other that shulle kepe the garyson. - Item, the Duc of Buk' hathe do to be made MM [2000] bendes with knottes, to what entent men may construe as their wittes wole yeve theym. - Item, the Queen hathe made a bille of five articles, desiryng those articles to be graunted; whereof the first is that she desireth to have the hole reule of this land; the second is that she may make the Chaunceller, the Tresorere, the Prive Seelle, and alle other officers of this land, with shireves and alle other officers that the Kyng shuld make; the third is, that she may yeve alle the bisshopriches of this land, and alle other benefices longyng to the Kynges yift; the iiii is that she may have suffisant lyvelode assigned hir for the Kyng and the Prince and hir self. But as for the vth article, I kan nat yit knowe what it is. - Item, the Duke of York wole be at London justly on Fryday next comyng at night, as his owne men tellen for certain, and he wole come with his houshold meynee, clenly beseen and likly men. And th'erle of Marche [later Edward 4] cometh with hym, but he will have a nother feliship of gode men that shall be at Londone before hym ... that he is come; and suche jakkes, salettes, and other herneys .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/295/235.
- 19/1 1454 Thomas Danyell - Information Against Robert Ledham - this is the full idictment of Robert Ledham of Wytton be Blofeld in Norfolk, listing people who informed on him, people who endicted him, his accomplises and his offences - .... Item, the sayd Robert Ledham, contynuyng in this wyse, callyd unto hym his sayd mysgoverned fellowshipp, consydryng the absence of many of the well-rewlyd people of the sayd hundred of affere cast malice, and congected, purposed and labored to the sheriff of the shire that the sayd Roger Chirche, on the sayd riottous felawshipp, was made bailly of the hundred; and after causid the same Roger to be begynner od arysyng and to take oppon hym to be a captayn and to excite the peple of the countrey therto. And ther oppon, be coveyne of the sayd Robert Ledham, to appeche all these sayd well rewlyd persones, and as well other divers substanciall men of good fame and good governaunce that were hated be the sayd Robert Ledhaum, and promittyng the sayd Roger harmeles and to sew his pardon be the mene of Danyell; to the which promyse the sayd Rogger aggreed, and was arested and take be the sayd Ledham be covyne betwixt hem, and appeched suche persons as they lust, to the entente that the sayd substanciall men of the countre shuld be by that mene so trowblyd and indaungered that they shuld not be of power to lette and resist the mys rewle of the sayd Ledham and his mysgoverned felawshipp, the whiche mater ys confessid by the sayd Roger Chirch. .... - Item, the sayd Thomas Bery, Elys Dukworth, Thomas Cokowe, George of Chamer, the v day of Novembre las past, with divers other onknowyn men, onto the nombre of xx persons, and noman of reputacion among hem, comen, under color of huntyng, and brake uppe gatys and closys of Osburne Monford atte Brayston; and xii persons of the same felowshipp, with bowys and arowys redy in their handys, abode alone betwixt the manor of Braysten and the chirche, and there kept hem from vii of the clokke on the mornyng unto iii of the clokk after none, lyyng in awayte oppon the servauntes of the sayd Osburne Monford, lorde of thge sayd maner, so that nonne durst comen ouut for doute of thair lyves - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/312/241 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 1/79/48.
- 1454 Robert Ledham - William Paston to John Paston - .... reports meeting between Byllyng and Robert Ledham (both of whome attended Grays Inn) where Byllyng criticised Ledham and told him that Paston was no friend of his .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/329-30/254.
- 1455 ? Danyell - Margaret Paston to John Paston - .... My cosyn, her sone, and hese wife recommaundethe them unto you, besechyng you that ye woll weche safe to be her goode mastre, as ye have ben a fore tyme; for they be enformed that Danyell is comen to Rysyng Castell, and hes men make her bost that her mastre shal be a yene at Braystem withinne shorte tyme .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/53/306.
- 1455 Thomas Danyell - Fastolf's claims against the crown - held manor of Dedham in Essex - a copy by William Worcester has the following entry - Item, the seyd Fastolf lent to the voyage that Thomas Danyell made in to Breteyn, as it is notorily knowen, of which he ys not yhyt payd, the somme of c li - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/60/309.
- 1455 ? Danyell - Fastolf's claims against the crown - .... And beside all this, there is yet owyng to the sayd Fastolf uppon the voyage that Thomas Danyell made into Bretayn, as it is openly knowen, the somme of c li .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/63/310.
- 1456 10/8 ? Danyell - Lord Scales to John Paston - Right trusty and entierly welbeloved frend, I grete you well, and wull ze wite that Danyell hath required me to write un to you, praying you that ze wyll kepe the day upon Thursday vii dayes nexst comyng, which shal be for the best, as I trust; not with standyng I suppoose lerned men wyll be not easy for to gete be cause of this besy tyme of hervest ... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/100/342 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/158/562.
- 1458 27/8 ? Danyell - Friar Brackley to John Paston - concerns dispute between Fastolf anf the Duke of Suffolk's family concerning Dedham manor - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/132/370.
- 1458 1/9 Thomas Danyell - Abstract of writ - Writ of pone procured by Thomas Howes, clerk, of Castre, against John Wyndham, Thomas Danyell of Rysyng Castle, Edmund Bukenham of Snyterton, Robert Lethum (Ledham) of Wytton by Blofeld, Simon Gunnor of Estbekham, and sixteen others, for maintaining a plea begun at Westminster without the King's writ by John Andrew of Beylom, Suffolk, against Howes, whom he had Maliciosly procured to be indicted. - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/133/371.
- 1458 Heydon - William Worcester or Botoner to John Preston - mentions Heydon and Thomas Howes - Thomas Howes had a writ against John Wyndham, Thomas Danyell for maintaining a malicious indictment against Howes by John Andrew of Baylham - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/133/372 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/177/576.
- 1460 ?/10 ? Danyell - Friar Brackley to John Paston - .... And [if] my good Lord Warwick, with my Lord his brother Chaunceler and my Lord her fadyr woldyn opposyn, as ded Danyel, Fortesku, Alisaunder, Hody, Doctor Aleyn, Heydon, and Thorp, of the writyng made be hem at Covyntre Parlement, they schuld answer wers than subcino or sub privo .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/226/415 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/210/609.
- 1460 ?/10 ? Danyell - Friar Brackley to John Paston - includes a list of people M Stapilton, W Chambirleyn, W Yeluerton, W Calthorp, J Twyre, J Geney, T Gurnay, J Fyncham, J Yeluerton junior, Edmund Bokynham, J Gros, J Dam, J Lomenour, J Arblaster, T Denys, T T, J H, P Wenworpe, J A, T Danyel, H Hunton, J Wode, W Prentys, S Gunnore, H Todynham, J Wyndham, Palmere balliuo of Costsey, T Brygge - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/227/416 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/213/611.
- 1460-2 John Douebiggyng - John Douebiggyng to John Paston - Perys of Legh come to Lynne opon Cristynmesse Even in the fresshest wise, and there he dyned so as was; bot when my lorde of Oxenforde bherde hereof he, with his feliship and suche as I and othere youre presoneres, come rydyng vnto Lynne and even vnto the Bysshop gaole where the seid Perys dyned with oper of his feliship. My lorde pulled hym oute of the seid gaole and made to kest hym opon a horse, and tyed an halter by his arme and so ledde hym furth like hym-selff. And even furthwith the seid Bysshop, the Mair, and oper their feliship mette with my seide lorde and your presoneres and also the seide Perys tyed by an halter, the Bysshop hauyng thies wordes vnto my lorde with his pillion in his handes: 'My lorde, this is a presoner, ye may knowe by his tepet and staffe; what will ye do withg hym?' Therto my lorde seide, 'He is my presoner nowe.' Wherto the Bysshop said, 'Where is youre warraunt or commission?' Therto my lorde seide, 'I haue warraunt sufficiaunt to me'; and thus they departed, the Mair and all the cominaltie of Lynne kepyng theire silence. Bot when we weren goon and Perys of Legh fast in Rysyng Castell, then the yates of Lynne by the Bysshop camaundement weren fast sperred and keped with men of armes. and then the Bysshop and his squyers rebuked the Mair of Lynne and seid that he hade shamed both hym and his tovn for euer, with much oper langage, &c .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/28/506 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/269/659.
- 1460 Thomas Danyell - Friar Brackley to John Paston - Primo. Sciat vestra veneranda discretio quod Episcopus hujus diocesis est Thomas Danyell et suis fautoribus maxime benevolus et in ipso episcopo TT, JH et suis complicibus est ipsius confidentia maxima etc. .... cum consimilibus ceteris sunt etiam consiliarii dicti Danielios. .... et Daniel famulus, furator equi ac murre satis notorius, puniretur una cum fautoribus ejus. .... - see The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 2/217/177 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/205/605.
- 1461 19/6 Robert Ledham - Robert Lethum to John Paston - Right worshipfull sir, I recomaund me to you. And sir, yesterday I received a lettre from oure soverign lord the Kyng directe to John Fulman, dyvers othir, and me, by the quych, for certeyn causes that meved hym, and for the well and save gard of his person and this his realme, he desirted we chuld fynd men for kepyng of the see. I said to you that I hade beyn dyvers tymes spoled and robbed, as ye have herd, and also gretely vexed and sued to me [my] unportab[l]e [charges]; vevir the les, to my pouer, with my body and my gode, I chall be redy to do hym servyce in resistyng his enmyse and rebelles. Also I said I dwelled uppon the cost of the see here, and be langage hit were more necessare to with hold men here than take men from hit. The said the Kyng hade wreton to dyvers persones here quych hade promysed men, quereuppon I promysed a man, quych chall be redy at such tyme I have knowelege quere the shippyng chall be, to waite uppon yow, or quane the Kyng comaundes. I write to you of my promyse as ye comaund me, and pray you I may have a copy of the said lettre. And I pray Gode kepe you. Wrete at Plumsted on the Fest of Seynt Gervaise and Prothase. - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/279/459.
- 1461 1/8? ? Danyell - Thomas Playter to John Paston - Please your maistership wete that Danyell of Grayes In enfourmed me that Kyng of Dounham whiche slewe Thomas Denys is arested and jn hold at Wysbyche and had ben delyvered nor had Fraunceys Costard a taken suerte of pees of hym; and so he is kept jn by non other mene but al onely by suerte of pees. And as I felt by the said Danyell if he be craftyly handeled he woll accuse many other; but Danyell is loth to name hem, but I suppose he ment by Twyer and yet other mo, rigth sufficient, and kalled of substans. - Item, Haydon hath payed ccccc marks and is delivered. - Item it is talked that the parlement schal be proroged tyl the iiii day of Nouembre and the Kyng wol jn to Scotland in al hast. - Wretyn in hast uppon the day of the Advencion [probably meaning the feast of St Peter ad Vincula (1st August)] - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 3/296/474 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 2/245/641.
- 1464 1/3 Thomas Danyell - John Paston the youngest to John Paston his father - .... As for tydyngs, syche as we have here I send yow. My Lord and my Lady [Duke and Duchess of Norfolk] ar in goode hele, blyssyd be God, and my Lord hathe gret labore and cost here in Walys for to take dyvers gentyllmen here whyche wer consentyng and helpyng on to the Duke of Somersettys goyng; and they were apelyd of othyr se[r]teyn poyntys of treson, and thys mater. .... Thomas Danyell is here in Chesscher, but I wot not in what plase, he hathe sent iii or iiii letyrys to Syr John Howard, syne my Lord come heydr. .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 4/96/560 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 1/525/321.
- 1465 7/8 ? Danyell - M Paston to John Paston - .... but after that I understod it I sent Danyell of Mershlond and Thomas Bonde to enforme the juges how the seid Thomas was intreted amonges hem, .... Item wher as ye desire to knowe what gentelmen wolde doo for you at this tyme, jn goode feythe I founde Herry Greye, Lomnour, Albastre, Wech(yngham), Berney of Redham, Skyppewyth, and Danyell of Mershelond ryght weele disposed to you ward at this tyme in helpyng and in gevyng ther goode avice to me for suche maters as I had to doo .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 4/170-2/599 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 1/311-4/189.
- 1484 Walter Danyell - Bill of complaints of John Paston against his uncle William - All so the seyde John Paston, now compleynaunt, seyth that John Paston, fadyr off the same John, was seised off the manere callyd Hollwellhawe, wyth th'appurtenaunces in Estodenham [East Todenham], joyntly wyth all the londis, tenements, renters, and services, whyche sume tyme were John Jerham, Ewstase Rows, John Davy, vikere off the chyrche off Esttodenham, ande Walter Danyell, or any off thers, lyeng in the townys of Estodenham, Mateshalle, Mateshalebergh, and othir townys adjoynyng .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner 6/75/998 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 1/622/387.
- 1489 10/2 John Danyel - Margery Paston to Sir John Paston - .... Never the lasse, my lord, accordyng as yowre desyre was in the letter, had qwestyond John a Lowe of thys fych, afor the comyng of John Danyel, what he had doon with all; and he answerd as for the nedyr chavyll [jaw] therof .... And, syr, my brodyr Heydon schall send yow the serteyn of all odyre thyngys grawntyd at thys Parlement, for he hath cawsed John Danyell to tery all thys day for hys letter, be cawse he was wyth the Kyng at Westmestre, that he myth not exten to wryth it tyl nyth. .... - The Paston Letters edited by James Gairdner /6/117-9/1030 - The Paston Letters edited by Norman Davis 1/667-9/420.