- 1/2/1990 -
by J Goulstone

also see START

1) BRYANNTE John of Bitton 3.12.1558 pr 1559 Glouc; bur B churchyard; Glouc Cathedral 2d; son Thomas 2-year-old bullock and a sheep; sons Richard and John and all daughters 2-year-old heifer and a yearling sheep each; residue wife Joan, exec. Overseers and witn. Mr Vicare my ghostly father, William Stonne (?), John Russell. INVENTORY 18.5.1559 by Henry Jones and Richard Reed: wearing raiment 10s, household stuff 40s, kitchen stuff 20s, cattle £8 corn and hay £6 13s 4d, total £17 13s 4d (sic).

husband of Joan 4, father of Thomas 7 and probably John 9. Presumably son of one of the 3 John Bryannts taxed at Bitton 1522-24.

2) BRYANTE Thomas, husbandman of Bitton 25.1.1566-7 pr Glouc; 'for the poore' Richard Horne 6d, Joan Woodhouse 6d; brother Lewis' children all my sheep which Lewis has had in his keeping a long time; godson John Bryttyn my pan; godchildren John and Thomas Bryttyn 7 sheep in their father's keeping; Peter Bryttyn my coffer; brother James and his son Richard 10s each; residue Thomas Bryttyn my master, exec. Witn William Tybbett, curate, Richard Horne.

brother of Lewis 3.

3) BRIANT Lewes, husbandman of Bitton 26.10.1572 pr Glouc 1573 (torn); the poor people the day of my burial 3s 4d; towards repairing the brigge of .... and my exec. to keep aforesaid 3s 4d in her hand until such time as the parish shall think time convenient to set wo... upon the brigge and then the money to be delivered; daughter Annis £10, daughter Joan .... daughter Elener 40s; son John £12; son Harry £5; son Ellery £4; son Robert 2 kine; Playnnamour 10 sheep, pair of .... a 'soullo', pair of 'ayes'; Treymour 2 bullocks of 2 years old, wain after the .... of his mother, also if .... 11 younger children die before they come to lawful age then the goods to remain among the rest and to be .... daughter Annis flock bed, bolster, pair of blankets, coverlet; wife my greatest .... as she is widow if she do marry then the crock to remain unto Robert my son, if Robert dies then to .... if Harry dies to son John; godsons a sheep each .... wife my great wheat rick; brother James Briant 6 ewes, coat, pair of hose; daughter Annis 2 platters, 2 pottingers, 2 saucers; god-daughters 6d each; 4 men that ring my knell 4d each .... my son 6 sheep; I am contented that my wife shall choose which pair of wheels she will have and .... best pair of 'ayes' and best 'soullow'; daughter Joan 2 platters, 2 pottingers, 2 saucers, little crock to remain in exec's hand until 20 years old; Elleri, Harry and John 6 sheep each; Treymour 40s which is in exec's hand; administrators to set forth such goods as I have given to my children as soon as they get some convenient place to their profit and advantage, my eldest children that is Treymour, Annis, Playnnamour, Elleri and Robert should have their goods immediately after my departure, 4 younger children Harry, John, Joan and Elner their goods remain in administrators' hand till they get some convenient place to set it forth to their profit and advantage, if wife marries she to deliver the goods immediately; son Treymour right and title of ground called Hammonds which I paid for to Lord Berkley's steward for term of 21 years except my 3 half acres of arable boutting upon Thomas Fourd's ground called Cane moor on the north side and another half acre boutting on the west side of the same ground named Cane moor and an acre in sheep land in the Upper Field and another lying in the same field boutting upon Bath way and upon the west side of an acre that William Cournell the elder hath the which ground excepted I give to my wife and she to pay 2s p.a. for the ground towards the rent and Treymour to pay the rest, as long as she is widow, if marries to remain to Treymour, if he dies within 21 year term Hammonds to remain to son John; Treymour 6 sheep; Plannamour a stall of bees and a swarm, grindstone and my wife to grind .... she have need, one of my new chairs, 3 iron wedges .... 'maute saw' to be delivered after my departing, 2 small barrels, pail, flockbed and the bedstead I lie upon, old coffer, board and the form and the deyce (?) in the hall and there to remain, iron bar, platter, pottinger, saucer, 2nd best crock, string, yoke, wain head that is unmade; wife a joyne chest, if she marries to remain to daughter Joan, brandiron, to remain to Playyamour if she marries, if he dies to son Robert; Playnnamour half acre of wheat .... half acre of barley at Blakens slade beyond the grabbe tree; wife .... of 5 acres of mead ground in Holmead for some part of my sons profit that is Robert, Harry and John; Thomas Warden .... be a friend to son Ellery to teach him the art of a tailor for 5 years and .... you 20s toward your charges already in your hands; residue to J... only exec .... and she to take debts and to pay ....

brother of Thomas 2, father of John 10; taxed at Bitton 1557-58. His son Harry perhaps Henry dec. of Wick father of John appr. Bristol 1607; son Ellery = Hillari bur 1615; son Playnnamour = Phanimore of Bitton whose lost will entered in Glouc calendar 1581; son Treymour a husbandman aged 40 in 1608 Bitton musters but exchequer dept aged 80 in 1629 (El34 5 Chas I/Mich 19), bur 1637 or 1642, father of Wm 1602, Sarah 1604, Stevan 1613, Kath 1607; son Robert husbandman aged 70 when exchequer dept 1629 (op cit), brother-in-law of Joan 8, father of Lewis 1587, Elizb 1590, Margt 1592, Eleanor 1594, Rich 1596, Sarah and probably Henry aged 20, carpenter of Wick, described as son of Rob in 1608 musters.

4) BRYAN Joan, widow of Lippiat 4.5.1573 pr Glouc 1573; bur B churchyard; son John 2 kine, heifer, worst tin salt, 2 platters, 2 pottingers, tin saucer, brass pan, flockbed, feather bolster, blanket, coverlet, 4 stools, 2 sheep; son Richard cow, 2 platters, 2 pottingers, pewter saucer, little brass crock, ewe, lamb; Alice wife of Thomas Gonnyng flockbed, bedstead of wainscoat with appurts, in my parlour, square board frame and carpet belonging to it; son Thomas a cupboard for his life then to remain to said John Bryan, board in the hall and all other implements therein; residue, debts and funeral discharged and paid, to Edmond Weston esq and son-in-law Thomas Gonning, execs. Witn Robert Jones, Poyntz Smythe, William Jones, John Henrye. Debtors: Alice Bryan, widow of Hanham 26s 8d; Edmund Weston (no details given), Harry Jones 8 bushels wheat, William Stone 7 bushels wheat and maslin. Creditors: Thomas Gonnynge £5 Alice Griffe my servant for her wages 9s 6d.

widow of John 1, mother of Thomas 7 and probably John 9; her dau Alice whose will pr PCC 1625 was wife of Thos Gunning of Cold Ashton and mother of inter alia John Gunning, Mayor of Bristol 1626.

5) BRYANT John, husbandman of Bradwick in Abson 1580 (no day or month) pr Glouc 1581; bur Abson churchyard; child now in wife's womb £10, if dies before weaned to remain to exec; brother Arthur 10 sheep, brother John 6 sheep; Aunt Joan Phillipe ewe and lamb; residue wife Maud, exec. Witn Arthur Player, Roger Bull, Thomas Morteforde.

6) BRYANT William of Woolen in Bitton 30.8.1589 pr Glouc 1589; bur B churchyard; wife Johan sorrel mare with bald face; daughter Johan my house at Thornbury with all belonging, if dies without heirs to remain to daughter Elizabeth; John Munke 'suking' colt delivered to him at 'Hollourode day' in May next; John Burnell best leather hose and doublet; my man Harry 2 buck skins that are already dressed in my house; my boy old leather hose and black jerkin; poor in 'Woollens syde' 12d each; godchildren 12d each; residue wife Johan and 2 daughters, execs; wife to have use of all goods until daughters are married, if she marries beforehand their share to be delivered to them presently before her marriage; Richard Baylie and John Burnell, overseers, 12d for their pains. Witn Henry Body, Robert Saunder (?), John Bayle. (Richard Bailie, yeoman of Winterbourne, and John Burnell, yeoman of Hanham, bound in £40 for performance of the will)

buried 3.9.1588 as William Briante 'the keeper'.

7) BRIANTE Thomas, husbandman of Lyppyate in Bitton 8.4.1598 pr Glouc 1598 (nunc); son John cow which we do call moeridewe delivered presently, best crock, new square table with 4 joyned stools delivered after his mother's death; daughter Ann cow which we do call nightingale delivered presently, new standing bedstead, pewter salt cellar delivered after mother's death; son William heifer which is with calf presently, flockbed and old bedstead delivered after mother's death; son Robert 2-year-old heifer presently, pewter candlestick after mother's death; daughter Sarah heifer presently; daughter Martha calf presently; wife exec. Witn Thomas Willis.

son of John 1 and Joan 4, presumably brother of John 9; bur 9.4.1598 as Thomas of Lippyate; his son John bapt 1575, William 1582; perhaps also father of Katherine bapt 1578 who marr. Edm Lockyer 1606 and Thomas, collier aged 40 in 1608 musters whose son John bapt 1600.

8) BRIANT Joan, singlewoman of Bitton 5.12.1604 pr PCC 1606 (nunc); goods divided among Robert Briant's children, being her own sister's children; Rev Lewis Evans exec. Witn Lewis Evans, Robert Briant, Margery Hawkins, Elizabeth Pearce.

bur B 7.12.1604: 'sickoned & made her will nuncupative the vth of december 1604' (PR)

9) BRIANT John, yeoman of Lipiat in Bitton 4.2.1610-11 pr Glouc 1612; son John £13 ' if he be careful to live as a Christian man ought to do' otherwise execs shall put forth the £13 for the good of said John and deliver it to him as thought best towards his yearly maintenance provided he 'do behave himself well in the fear of god', receiving whole sum when 24; Robert Johnes my jerkin; Margaret Robins a box and her mother's wedding ring, pillow, table napkins; goodwife Longe, Mary Briant, John Chike, Nicholas Witherley, John Hall, goodwife Harris 12d each; Joseph and Mary Daniell of Brislon (Brislington) 5s; Francis Briant 12d; Thomas Daniell of Brislent cloak; Joan Daniell of Brislent 'hellminge' chair; Walter Iles forest bill; John Briant of the Brocke dagger; Mathew Bridi 4s; David Pearce plank board; Adam Yonge my hose and shoes; Robert Johns 20s for his pains and performing my will and to have use of the £14 bequeathed to son John for 6 years for his painstaking with my son in placing him and well discharging of my will; if son dies within 6 years Daniell's 3 children to have £6 paid within 6 days, Adam and John Goynnge 20s each, the other £4 (sic) to Robert Jones; ringers of my knell 4s; 30s for funeral charges; Robert Jones, husbandman of Bitton, exec; Thomas Bishoppe, yeoman of Bitton, and Thomas Daniell, salter of Brislent, Somerset, overseers, 2s each.

presumably son of John 1 and Joan 4, presumably brother of Thomas 7.

10) BRYAN John sen, yeoman of Wick in Abson 24.2.1638-9 pr Glouc 1639; bur in Abson church; sons John and Tremour pair of gloves of 12d in money each; daughter Susannah wife of William Baldwin, husbandman of Doynton, pair of gloves or 12d in money; well beloved daughter Elizabeth Brian of Wick, spinster £80 paid at £10 p.a. for 8 years after my death out of the ground called Knowles in Doynton occupied by Roger Brian of Wick, carpenter, assigning the ground to execs for their lives but if either of them refuse to pay said £10 p.a. it will be lawful for daughter to enter and take possession of the ground, £10 more paid by execs out of paddock of ground lying under the Burie Hill in Doynton, best featherbed with furniture of linen and woollen belonging, 4 plates or porringers; wellbeloved son Robert £10 and £30 which son Treamour is to pay by virtue of an obligation thereof; son Treamour to pay Thomas Harvord, weaver of Doynton, £8 12s in consideration he shall hold ground called Moulbury and pay my grandchild Elizabeth Brian £5 which I have paid on behalf of Treamour, but if he refuses to pay the £8 12d the sum of £5 to said Elizabeth daughter of Treamour shall be be made void to all intents and purposes; servant Elizabeth Hawkins sparked calf over and above such wages as is already or shall be due to her at time of my death; if daughter Elizabeth dies before marriage legacies to execs and 2nd son Robert equally divided; residue well beloved sons Thomas and Henry, execs; wellbeloved neighbour John Allis limecarrier of Wick and kinsman said Roger Brian, supervisors, 3s 4d each; N.B. son George to hold the ground called the Cleves (?) in Abson for 21 years and suffer John Hill. limecarrier of Abson, to hold it until such money I owe him be fully paid out of the rent of said ground. Creditors: William Whittington of Cold Ashton £5 4s 4d, John Murford of Abson, yeoman £5, Walter Strange of Abson, yeoman £5, total £20 4s 4d. Witn Susanna Hawkings, Eliza Hawkings, Alice Hollowell.

son of Lewes 3, father of Thomas 12 and Henry 13.

11) BRYANT Roger of Bitton 8.4.1640 pr Glouc 1640 'made by word of mouth'; brother John all wearing apparel except one red cloak'; mother Elizabeth Bryant the red cloak; brother John and his 6 children 40s divided amongst them; residue wife Mary, exec. Witn John Davis (X) and John Bryant (X) both of Bitton and John Carpenter.

his brother John's children were Sarah 1619, Rebecca 1623, John 1626, Elizabeth 1627, Roger 1631 and Hannah 1633 all bapt Bitton.

12) BRIAN Thomas, yeoman of Doynton 10.5.1654 pr PCC 1655; wife Joan part of my house called the hall, chambers overhead and 'inder' chamber with the ground called the Sommver for rest of 99 years and the 'palled' garden for like term; son Samuel part of house called Clements house and 2 parcels of ground called Blackvern for rest of 99 years if wife Joan and John so long live - but if son John lives and pays Samuel £50 when 21 then John can take house and ground called 'Backverne'; daughter Suzanna 2 parcels of ground, Medlye and Sleply, during son John's life (but he can have it by paying her £40 when 21), and all part of household stuff that was between my brother Henry and I namely 5 pieces of pewter, one brass crock; residue son John, exec; debts paid out of above grounds; 3 of my kine to be fatted and sold for paying William Baldon's debt; wellbeloved in Christ William Baldon of Doynton and Lewes Bryan of Wick overseers for son John during his minority, paying daughter-in-law Mary Morford her due. Witn John Brian, Henry Brian (X).

son of John 10, brother of Henry 13.

13) BRIANT Henry, carpenter of Abson 8.5.1651 pr PCC 20.11.1656; bur in church or churchyard of Abson; daughters Marie and Christian £8 each at £1 p.a. for 8 years, 10s Lady Day and Michaelmas; duaghter Marie worst bed and bedstead with the 2 blankets, coverlet, bolster that now lieth in the bedstead; residue daughter Alice, exec. Witn Richard Clarke, John Brian, John Hicks.

son of John 10, brother of Thomas 12.

14) BRIAN John, yeoman of Wick in Abson 13.9.1660 pr Glouc 1662; bur Abson churchyard; son Lewes house at Wick with all outhouses, close adjoining called Monks, meadow called Perrats, 3 paddocks under the Bay hill called the Bay Paddocks and my part of mead in Dunnings Mead, paying £100 debt to John Price within 6 months of death; son Charles all my 3 grounds, one lying at the foot of Toghill called Toc Hill, one called Horlie Piece, the other .... tininge, paying £100 debt to Edward Lockstone within 6 months of death; son George ground called Caseways Side and Long Mead paying debts of £30 to Francis Poynes and £11 to Hannah Picke within 6 months of death; son John ground called Lymebrocke, if he dies before 21 to Lewes; if Lewes, Charles or john die and heirs do not sportingly pay the aforesaid debts surviving shall enter ground and sell it to discharge debts, the overplus being equally divided among 4 sons; residue wife Margery, exec, paying Robert Nichols' 2 daughters £32 'of principall debyt'.

father of Lewis 19.

15) BRYAN Roger, carpenter of Wick and Abson 24.8.1675 pr PCC 1675; grounds Oldbury and the Ridinge in W. & A. to grand-daughter Mary Ford for life, then to her 1st son and his male heirs, in default to 2nd son, in default to her female heirs; messuage called Coles in W. & A. to grandson Roger Ford who shall pay his sister Elizabeth £200 within 7 years of my death; aged poor of W. & A. already maintained by parish £10; Mr Weeks to preach my funeral sermon 20s; wife exec, to pay for grandson's life to be added in my copyhold tenement in North Stoke; son-in-law not to have power of disposing my grandchildren's estate, overseers to have disposition thereof allowing sufficient maintenance for their education, Mr John Bishop of Pucklechurch, Mr Robert Webb of the Middle Temple and Mr John Ford of Keynsham overseers. sgd X. Witn Thomas Bryan (X), Sarah Bryan (X), John Bishopp.

16) BRYENT Elizabeth, widow of Wick and Abson 8.1.1677-78 pr PCC 1679; bur in Abson church or churchyard; grandchildren Mary Ford a ewe, 7 kine, 2 of my beds, all brass and pewter, Roger Ford 2 ewes, 2 heifers, bed and appurtenances, Elizabeth Ford a ewe, bed with appurtenances within the kitchen chamber; cousins Anne Baker and Samuel Wichol a heifer each; son-in-law Thomas Ford a bullock which is in his keeping already; cousin Sarah Pay best red cloth coat; cousin Sarah Bryant a ewe; cousin Wilkins Stoke, exec, residue paying debts and funeral expences. sgd X. Witn Samuel Wichel (X), Sarah Bryent (X), Robert Crew.

17) BRYANT Robert sen, carpenter of Bitton 18.10.1678 pr Glouc 1679; wife all household goods, wheat in the barn, 3 bushels barley, flitch of bacon of the pig that is now to be killed, 40s paid by son Robert at Lady Day next; son Lewes 2s 6d if he comes to receive it; 2 daughters Elioner and Margery beyond the sea 2s 6d each if they come to demand it; daughter Elizabeth my bible; Richard Bright best hat, coat and buckles that I did wear every day; residue son Robert, exec. Witn William and James Davis.

son Lewes bapt 1642, daughter Elinor 1648, son Robert 1651.

18) BRYANT John, tailor of Bitton 8.11.1678 pr Glouc 1679; grandson John Stowte, son of daughter Jane Stowte, ground lying at Stouts hill in Bitton called Stubby Close and parcel of ground bought from Edward Grafton; grandson Isaac Stowte 3 parcels of ground, about 1 acre lying together, bought from John Holben the elder, Thomas Stone the younger and Gabriel Rymer; grand-daughter Mary Stowte about an acre of pasture above a place called Griffens adjoining a ground of mine there in Bitton for lives of John Briant, daughter Jane Stowte and said Mary Stowte; daughter Jane Stowte to have use, rents and profits of the grounds until grandchildren aged 21 for their maintenance and breeding; residue dau Jane Stowte, exec; now wife Anne use of all household stuff for life. sgd X. Witn Arthur Hathaway, Hathway Goodman.

19) BRIAN Lewes, yeoman of Wick 18.9.1684 pr PCC 1685; confirms indenture of 11.6.1664 settling house and lands on wife Mary for her jointure; lands not settled on wife to brother George and loving cousin Mr Thomas Edwards to hold for 2,000 years with reversion to eldest son Lewis who shall pay my daughter Elizabeth £200 within 6 months of her marriage with consent of her mother and overseers or within 6 months of attaining 21 (if marries contrary to wife's wishes £100 of her legacy to be equally divided between my 2 sons) and 2 youngest sons, Charles and Samuel £100 each when 21, till then allowing them all maintenance and education as wife and overseers think sufficient; daughter and 2 sons a bed and its furniture each; wife all silver plate, leaving it to one or more of our children at her death, and use of household stuff for life; residue son Lewis, exec. Witn Thomas Ford, Roger Rodbourne, John Hixe (X).

father of John bur W & A 1684, Lewes bapt W & A 1667 (d 1751), Charles bapt W & A 1670 (d 1751), Samuel bapt W & A 1675 (d 1734).

20) BRYANT Lewis of Siston; admin Glouc 1718 to relict Mary (X), Francis Jefferies, tailor of Mangotsfield, and John Smith of Oldland.

21) BRYANT Samuel of Wick and Abson; admin Glouc 1735 to relict Mary of W & A and Thos Morgan, yeoman of Glouc.

22) BRYANT Mary, spinster of Siston 20.4.1744 pr Glouc 1744; eldest sister Hannah Potter best camblet gown, black quilted petticoat with new shalloon to cover it and some new holland to make an apron, two striped white handkerchiefs, some new check linen to make an apron, pair of new shoes, 2 mobs one holland, one cambrick; youngest sister Elizabeth alias Betty Bryant green silk gown, small striped cotton gown, brown quilted petticoat, holland apron, lace cambrick mob, laced single handkerchief, cambrick fringed mob, linen quilted petticoat, pair pumps and the buckles in them, pair purple stockings she paying for the knitting of them, very good check apron, brother Thomas Bryant 1s and no more, brother-in-law George Potter 1s and no more; brother Thomas' wife cotton gown and some check for her child; residue including ready money and rings to mother Susannah Bryant, exec. sgd X. Witn Martha Shallord (X), Mary Millsam (X), Samuel Tippett.

bapt W & A 1713 dau of George & Susannah; sister Hannah bapt 1710, Elizb 1724; brother Thos 1716.

23) BRYAN Lewis the elder, yeoman of Wick and Abson 25.2.1747-8 pr Glouc 13.6.1753; brother Charles 2s per week for life charged on close called Hosee Piece; son Lewis all lands at Upwick but if mortgages or sells any part that part to be forfeited to nephew Guy Bryan, baker at Dyrham, or if Lewis is already or marries Mary dau Wm Jones of Tracey Park then all Upwick lands to nephew Guy. If Lewis dies without lawful issue the lands to descend to Guy Bryan or male heirs of his body, in want of such issue the lands to Thomas son of John Bryan, carpenter of Wick and heirs, John son of John Bryan £5 at 21; Lewis Bryan son of Charles deceased late of Compton Dando £5 at 21; Martha Caiford the elder of Saltford a quinea in gold in token of my love; residue son Lewis, exec. Witn Aaron Strange, Wm Bryan, Jas Turner (X).

bapt W & A 1667 (son of 19), d 5.8.1751 aged 84 (M.I. W & A), husband of Ann d 12.3.1741 aged 73 (ibid), father of Guy d 11.6.1708 aged 12 and 10 mos (ibid). His nephew Guy perhaps Guy 1711 son of his brother Samuel 20, father of Guy 30.

24) BRYANT Charles the elder of Siston 11.4.1753 pr Glouc 30.4.1759; children Charles, Robert, Thomas, Grace (wife of Anthony Jay) and Mary, now living with Mr Solomon Leonard, 1s each; residue dear wife Jane and daus Jane and Hannah equally divided; wife Jane exec; sgd X. Witn Rt Russ (?), Anthony Barrett.

bapt W & A 1690, son of Roger. By wives Mary Gay (marr 1715) and Jane had children bapt Siston incl. Grace 1722 and Charles 1724-1805 of Mangotsfield (husband of Ancy d 1807 aged 81?, father of Catherine d 1798 aged 31 (W & A M.I.)

25) BRYAN William, yeoman of Dyrham and Hinton 14.4.1767 pr Glouc 15.6.1767; daughter Mary £20, featherbed & appurtenances, case of drawers, great oak chest, clock & case belonging, 3 large pewter dishes, 6 pewter plates, best oval table board; residue two daughters Mary and Ann wife of Joseph White, execs, equally divided. Witn Rebecca Morelber (?), Hen Hathway.

26) BRYAN James, husbandman of Wick and Abson 1.5.1776 pr Glouc 22.10.1776; grand-daughter Mary England, exec, all moneys, goods and cattle. Witn Thos Haynes, Hen Hathway.

bapt W & A 1703, d 12.6.1776 aged 72, husband of Mary d 14.10.1760 aged 51, father of Ann d 9.7.1756 aged 24 wife of Joseph England of Westerleigh d 24.6.1776 aged 47 (all W & A M.I.). Ann married Joseph at W & A 1752. James' parents not entered in bapt entry, but perhaps Elias and Mary who had daughters Ann bapt 1702 and Elizb bapt 1704. Elias was bapt W & A 1669 son of Henry and as yeoman of Wick marr. Elizb Wolfe of Winterbourne 1696 (Bristol Marr Bonds). Elias' wife Mary died 1759 aged 86 (MI Mangotsfield: Bigland). Elias' father Henry listed at Wick and Abson in 1673 Hearth Tax. This Henry probably died 1692.

27) BRYANT Lewis, gent of Wick & Abson 28.9.1773 pr Glouc 1784; son John messuage where I now live and lands belonging subject to wife's dower therein and chargeable for £10 annuity to son Richard; good friends Guy Bryant, yeoman of Dyrham, and Henry Nowell, yeoman of Kington, Wilts, all cattle, hay, corn & personal estate in trust to sell and pay debts, funeral expences, &c, dividing surplus equally between two sons. Witn William Meere of Tolldown Louve (?), William Hedges jun of Downend. Admin granted Glouc 26.3.1784 to John Bryan, yeoman of W & A - G.B., H.N., Mary Bryan, widow, & Richard, yeoman of W & A renouncing right to probate.

son of Lewis 23; d 12.1.1774 aged 72; by wife Mary father of Lewis d 12.4.1767 aged 13 & 6 mos (W & A M.I.).

28) BRYANT Robert, yeoman of Bitton 1.12.1788 pr PCC 1790 - mentions son Robert, daughter Mary; Lewis and John sons of my late deceased brother Lewis Bryant; land purchased with late brother George deceased; trustees good friends Samuel Smith, yeoman, and Stout Smith, yeoman, both of Bitton, and Samuel Sheppard, maltster of Keynsham. (outline only).

bapt Bitton 1716 son of Lewis; brother of George 1712, Lewis 1718 and Betty 1720.

29) BRYANT Thomas, carpenter of Wick & Abson 4.10.1797 pr Glouc 30.11.1797; dear and loving wife Sarah already sufficiently and handsomely provided for by settlement made on her marriage, £5 p.a., copyhold estate at Abson to friend Richard Ward, gent of Abson, on trust till mortgage and debts paid to him, then to exec; children Ann Baker, Elizabeth Chambers, Sarah Brewer, Ruth Jefferis, Mary, Jane, Hannah, Charles, Catherine and William Bryant £20 each when estate with rents thereof shall come in to pay; daughter Mary best featherbed, its linen and all belonging; residue son James Milsom Bryant, exec. Witn John Gay (X), John Smith.

presumably husband of Elizabeth wife of Thomas d 30.6.1768 aged 49 (W & A M.I.) however she could be wife of another Thomas B born 1716. could be Thomas B born 1740 married 1760 Mary Milsom and had eight children this Thomas married secondly Sarah Toghill in 1786

30) BRYAN Guy, yeoman of Dyrham 27.9.1796 pr PCC 26.11.1799 - mentions sons Charles and Samuel, daughters Jane and Sarah Nowell, grandchildren Edward Bryan, Jane Gibbs, Harry, Betty & John Nowell; late uncle Edward Tyler. (outline only).