DANYELLs in the Privy Council Records
- 1441 14/5 Thomas Danyell - Henricus ~tc To John Troutbek chamberlein of Chester greting. Hou be it that now late we commaunded you by oure l~res undre our prive seel to make undre our seel of Chester being in your keping oure l~res patentes of graunte to our squier Thomas Daurell oon of our hexmen for terme of his life of the manoir of Frodesham with the appurtenaunces in the countee of Chestre the which as we were at that time enformaed passed not in yerely value xx li and moreover for to execute the said our lettres we directed unto you our lettres undre the signet of the Egle and also our l~res undre our prive signet of our armes. yet for asmoche as sith our said graunte we have be credibly enfourmed that the said manoir with the appurten~ is of much greater value than xx li we charged you therefore to bring and deliver unto us and oure counsaill the said l~res of our graunte the which ye have so doo. whereof and alsoe that ye have not executed them after our first commaundementsby oure said l~res we hold you not fully excused quited and discharged ayenst us for ever. and we charge you by vertue of the said lettres ye late ne thing passe our said seel. And for asmoche as that we considre wel the good service that the said Thomas hath doon unto us and shall doe in tyme to come have therefore of our grace speciale graunted unto him xx li by yere. to have it and take it during his life of the issues proufites and revenues comyng of the said manoir of Frodesham with thappurten~ by the hands of receivours fermours bailiffs or occupyours of the said manoir for the tyme being at the termes of Seint Michel and of Estre by even portions. Wherefore we wol and charge you that upon this oure graunte that ye doo make our l~res patentes undre our seel of Chestre being in your kepeing in due fourme. Yeven ~tc. - Rex apud manerium suum de Shene xiiii die Mai anno xix, mandavit Custodi privati sigilli fieri facere l~ras sub eodem sigillo tenoris infrascripti ad instantiam Dn~i~ Thes~ Angliae, psentibus d~nis Chancellario Comite Suf f p~fat~ Thes~ et me - Adam Moleyne - Additional MS 4608 art 145 gives a modern transcript - see Acts of the Privy Council Henry_6/5/144.
- 1448 Thomas Danyell - The following letter to the chancellor [and Archbishop of Canterbury and previously Bishop of Durham check?] belongs to the year 1448 - By the King. Right reverend fader in God, right trusty and right wel-beloved, we grete you wel, and for asmuch as we have graunted unto oure trusty and wellbeloved squier Thomas Danyell thoffices of constable of oure castel of Risyng in the counte of Norfolk and of keper or forster or oure chace or warenne of oure lordship of Risyng, and also thoffice of stuard of the same oure lordship of Risyng, immediately after the decesse of Rauf, Lord Cromwell, or assoon as it shal comme to oure handes, to remaigne unto oure said squier and his heires of his body laufully commyng as it may appere more plainly to you by a supplicacion signed with oure hand therupon which we sende unto you here enclosed; we therfore wol and charge you that under oure greet seel being in youre warde ye do make unto oure said squier our letters patentes in deue fourme according to the teneur of the same supplicacion withoute eny fin or fee therfore taking to oure use, and that ye make no difficulte nor delay in thexpedicion of this matere, notwithstanding that ye have no warrant under oure privy seel therupon late made, or any other appointement, ordinance or restraint into the contrary made in any wise, lating you wite that it is oure full will that this be doon in al goodly hast without any delaies; and we wol theese oure lettres to be unto you souffisant warrant and discharge in that partie, wolling nevertheles that this be not taken in example to any other personne in tyme to comme. Yeven under oure signet at oure castel of Windesore the seconde day of Septembre the yere of oure regne xxvi - The enclosure is a petition in English with a draft of Letters Patent in Latin, bearing the royal sign-manual and a memorandum of delivery to Chancery on the 8th of September File 1371 1-3 - see The Great Seal, Historical Notes on the use of The Great Seal of England by Sir H C Maxwell-Lyte, pasge 123.
- 1449 Thomas Danyell - Some of these verses, of which the following are specimens, are still preserved. The persons alluded to are described by their badges, and their names are written over, in a contemporary hand. A fuller account of these allusions will be found in the Excerpta Historica, where they were first printed, page 159, et seq. Other verses of the same description will be found in Ritson's Ancient Songs and Ballads, and in the Excerpta Historica, pages 279 and 357. Some satirical verses of a political nature, written about 1399, are printed in the Archaeologia, volume cc1 page 89 - The Rote [Duke of Bedford] is ded, the Swanne [Duke of Gloucester] is goon', - The firy Cresset [Duke of Exeter] hath lost his lyght, - Therfore Inglond may make gret mone, - Were not the helpe of Godde Almyght'. - The Castell [Rouen] is wonne, where care begown'; - The Portecolys [Duke of Somerset] is leyde a down'; - Iclosid we haue oure welevette Hatte [Cardinal Wolsey who died in 1447], - That keu'yd us from mony stormys brewn'. - The White Lion' [Duke of Norfolk] is leyde to slepe, - Thorouz the envy of the Ape clogge [Duke of Suffolk]; - And he is bown'den' that our' dor' shuld kepe, - That is Talbott our' good dogge [Earl of Shrewsbury]. - The fissher' hath lost his Hangulhook' [Lord Fauconberg]; - Get theym agayn' when it woll' be. - Our' Myllesaylle [Lord Willoughby] will' not abowte, - Hit hath so long' goon' emptye. - The Ber [Earl of Warwick] is boun'd that was so wild, - For he hath lost his Ragged Staff; - The Carte [Duke of Buckingham] nathe is spokeles, - For the coun'seill' that he gaff'; - The Lily [Thomas Daniel, an esquire of the King's body] is both fair' and grene; - The Coun'dite [John Norreys, an esquire of the King's body] rennyth not as I wene; - The Cornysshe chawgh [John Trevilian, esquire] offt wt his trayne - Hath made our Egull' [the King] blynde. - The White hard [Earl of Arundel] is put out of mynde, - Be cause he woll' not to hem consent; - Therfor' the Co~myns saith is both trew and kynd, - Bothe in Southesex and in Kent. - The Watr Bowge [Henry, Lord Bourchier] and the Wyne botell', - With the Vetturlocks cheyne [The Prior of St John's] ben' fast; - The Whete yer' ["Exeter", Apparently Edmond Lacy bishop of Exeter] woll' theym' susteyn' - As long' as he may endur' and last. - The Boor' [Earl of Devonshire] is farr' in to the west - That shold vs helpe wt shild and sper'; - The Fawkon' [Duke of York] is fleyth, and hath no rest, - Tille he witte wher' to bigge his nest. - From a contemporary Roll in the British Museum, marked in the Catalogue of the Cottonian Charters, volume II, page 23 - see Ordinances of the Privy Council Henry_6/6/xxiv/note-2.
- 1542 16/3 John Daniel - A lettre was devised to Jhon Daniel esquier for to sende or bring to the Cownsell all siche writinge as remayned in his custodye towching his late wyfe lande now apperteyning to Jhone Bulmer - see Ordinances of the Privy Council Henry_8/7/326.